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World Fishing Day on 23rd June 2018

Submitted by jane on June 5, 2018 - 1:07pm

The first ever World Fishing Day is on 23rd June 2018.

Fishing TV are launching the event after research reveals fishing is one of the life skills modern dads are no longer teaching their children. They hope to unite the angling community, bring more people into the sport and highlight environmental issues

Fishing TV Survey Results - Life skills Dads no longer teach their Children

Submitted by Mandi on April 24, 2018 - 8:28pm


How to read a map, how to fish and how to polish shoes, are just some of the life skills modern dads are no longer teaching their children, according to a new study.

Researchers took an in depth look into the things the nation's fathers do and - more importantly don’t - teach their children, with lighting a fire safely, playing conkers and even riding a bike making the list of skills that we’re not teaching the younger generation with some skills falling by the wayside.

Arundell Art Week - Thursday May 3rd 2018 - Lifton Devon

Submitted by admin on April 4, 2018 - 6:26pm

On Thursday 3rd May 2018 a selection of acclaimed sporting artists from around the U.K. will be showcasing their country sporting inspired pieces, local Devon landscapes and stunning photography at the famous Arundell Arms Hotel in Lifton, Devon.

The brand new ‘Arundell Art Week’, seeks to celebrate the countryside and all that residents enjoy about living in Devon, with the specific aim to raise funds for the ‘Westcountry Rivers Trust’ and ‘Fishing for Schools’ charities. 

With some fantastic artists confirmed including legendary British wildlife painter, Terence Lambert, fly-fishing legend Charles Jardine, Robin Armstrong, Rachel Toll and internationally published countryside photographer, Sarah Farnsworth already on the bill, the Arundell Art Week is set to be an exciting event.

Arundell Arms Art Week May 3rd 2018

South West Lakes Fly Fair - Saturday 25th February 2017

Submitted by Mandi on December 20, 2016 - 10:57am
  • Fly Casting and Tying, Float Tubing, Kayaking - Demonstrations & Clinics.
  • ALL FREE - learn from the experts!
  • Including: Charles Jardine - Mike Weaver - Gary Champion...
  • Trade stands for Tackle, Split Cane Rods, Fly Tying, Art, Guest Speakers, Fly Dresser’s,Guild Cooking Demonstrations. Bar and refreshments and much more…
  • Saltwater/rivers/salmon/stillwaters/pike/etc
  • Devon PL16 0RL

Angling Trust & Canal & River Trust Kennet and Avon Canal Pairs

Submitted by Mandi on October 6, 2016 - 12:03pm

  Angling Trust Logo

   Angling Trust & Canal & River Trust Kennet and Avon Canal Pairs 

Large numbers of moored boats on the Seend Park section of the Kennet & Avon canal made pegging the match difficult, resulting in very long walks for the anglers involved in this latest Angling Trust & Canal & River Trust Canal pairs qualifier on Saturday 1st October 2016.

South West Fly Fair - Roadford Lakes - Saturday 27 February 2016

Submitted by jane on February 22, 2016 - 9:48am

The 2016 South West Fly Fair is on SATURDAY 27th FEB 2016 10am-4pm at Roadford Lake near Launceston Cornwall.
Fly Casting and Tying, Float Tubing,
Kayaking - Demonstrations & Clinics
ALL FREE - learn from the experts!
including: Charles Jardine - Mike Weaver - Gary Champion...
Trade stands for Tackle, Split Cane Rods, Fly Tying, Art
Guest Speakers Fly Dresser’s Guild Cooking Demonstrations
Bar and refreshments and much more…
Devon PL16 0RL

Fungus on salmon and sea trout

Submitted by jane on July 23, 2015 - 4:13pm

This year we have received a number of reports of wild salmon and sea trout with fungal infections. We have also had reports of fish with the skin condition Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis (UDN), although confirmed cases of this disease remain scarce. These are both natural conditions that usually affect low numbers of salmon and sea trout every year as they return to our rivers. Numbers of affected fish can increase during certain conditions, such as periods of low flows, and this spring we have seen small numbers of affected fish in rivers across England. We are monitoring the situation on all our major salmon rivers and working with partner organisations to progress our understanding of these diseases. Please get in touch on 0800 807060 if you see any dead or unhealthy fish in the wild.

River Dart Emergency Byelaw Briefing - July 2015

Submitted by jane on July 23, 2015 - 3:59pm

The following briefing details the reasoning for the introduction of an Emergency Byelaw to protect salmon stocks on the River Dart, Devon, England. A more detailed justification is available on request.
The Environment Agency has received reports of diseased fish in recent years from many rivers across the SW, including the Dart. Whilst these reports are of concern and have been investigated, there are usually no associated reports of significant mortalities.
From the end of April 2015, the Environment Agency received many reports from members of the public and anglers relating to salmon and trout in the River Dart with fungal infections, a significant number dead or dying. The River Dart salmonid populations appear to have been particularly badly impacted in 2015 compared to other rivers in Devon in Cornwall.

River Dart Emergency Salmon Protection Byelaw

Submitted by jane on July 23, 2015 - 3:44pm

River Dart Emergency Salmon Protection Byelaw
Since April 2015, the Environment Agency has received numerous reports of diseased, dead and
dying salmon & sea trout in the River Dart. Migratory salmonid populations in the Dart appear to
have been particularly badly affected this year compared to other rivers in Devon and Cornwall.
Given the current vulnerable state of the Dart salmon stock and the additional impact of disease
this year, it is considered essential to protect the remaining salmon so that as many as possible
survive to spawn. We have therefore introduced an ‘Emergency Byelaw’ to protect these fish.
What this means for anglers
The byelaw came into force on 22 July 2015.
The main provisions for anglers are;
1. No retention of salmon taken by any instrument (rod and line or net) within the River Dart
catchment or its estuary, with immediate release at the point of capture.
2. All rod and line fishing in the River Dart catchment to be undertaken by artificial fly only.
We believe these measures will provide the protection salmon stocks need to give the fishery the

What to do if fish are dying

Submitted by jane on June 29, 2015 - 5:54pm

The sight of dead fish is devastating for any fishery manager, club or angler. Taking action at the first sign of dead fish can reduce the number of fish lost and allow the fishery to recover quicker.
What you should do
If you do have fish dying at your fishery there a number of things you need to do immediately:
Stop fishing!
This will reduce the stress levels within the fish population, helping the fish to recover. This will help to lower the total number of fish that may die. It will also protect other fisheries from the potential spread of disease on fishing tackle. Fishing should only start again when fish have stopped dying and all the remaining fish are healthy.
Report it!
Act quickly and report any fish deaths to the Environment Agency immediately on 0800 80 70 60. We will investigate by discussing the problem with you. If a disease outbreak is suspected then we will examine a sample of fish. Our examinations look for what disease is killing the fish. We will also give advice on how to reduce losses and prevent future problems.
Don’t try to rescue the fish!
