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Flyyak 2010 Press Release

Submitted by Mandi on February 6, 2011 - 4:34pm

Pupils from Robert Blake School in Bridgwater enjoyed a fun filled day (28th June) learning fly fishing and Kayaking skills taught by fully licensed coaches as part of a new sporting initiative called FLYYAK 2010. This is a multi partner initiative supported by the Angling Development Board, Angling Trust, Canoe England, South West Lakes Trust and the Environment Agency.The pupils arrived at 9.30am at the beautiful surroundings of the South West lakes trust Wimbleball Trout and Sailing lakes. They were joined by another group of students from Blundell School in Tiverton.
The order of the day was as followed: Once they were all separated into two groups, the first group had an hour’s fly fishing tuition and the other an hour’s kayaking instruction, then the two groups switched over until everyone had learned the basic skills needed to safely power and control the Kayak and of course to successfully cast a fly. Lunch was then the order of the day with freshly caught barbequed trout caught from the venue earlier that morning. Once everyone was refreshed, they were all paired up and given a two person kayak, a fly rod, and a paddle, the pupils then had a amazing afternoon of exploration, paddling and casting about, taking it in turns one to paddle while the other was trying to catch one of the many trout that reside within this huge reservoir.
Unfortunately, no one managed to catch anything on this occasion this was mainly put down to the very sunny and warm conditions that were felt on the day with temperatures soaring to over 23 degrees centigrade. Nevertheless, all the participants involved had an amazing day and have hopefully caught the bug for fishing of kayaking or indeed both: “FLYYAK”ing.
Comments from partners involved:
Dean Sandford from the Angling Development Board (South West) “the day has been an amazing success and I would like to thank the Environment Agency for helping to fund this initial pilot project which will hopefully be the first of many multi partner events within the South West region throughout the rest of the year and beyond”. For further information on angling development please contact Dean on: [email protected]
Andy Davey from Canoe England (South West) said “it is fantastic to see so many young people enjoying the day a float” and went onto say “it’s great to be able to offer schools an innovative project that covers two sports for the price of one, especially within these challenging financial times”. For further paddle sports development information please contact Andy on: [email protected]
John Dawson level 2 game angling coach: “I have really enjoyed teaching these potential new participants to our wonderful sport and I think the two sports really complement each other”.
Contact John on www.johndawson.co.uk
Darryl Birch the South West Lakes Trust Exmoor and Wimbelball Lake manager said “The pupils from both schools have had a brilliant time” he then went on to say that a Flyyak competition will be held for competent game anglers at the upcoming LakesFest 2010 being held at the venue on the 14th to the 18th July as part of the celebrations for the 10 years anniversary of the South West Lakes Trust
and partners on Exmoor, for further information please see: www.swlakestrust.org.uk/10years/lakefest2010

Environment Agency - Update Fish Removal Bylaw 2010

Submitted by Mandi on September 20, 2010 - 12:00pm




The Environment Agency, in exercise of powers conferred on it under section 210 of,
and paragraph 6(1)(b) of Schedule 25 to the Water Resources Act 1991 hereby makes
the following Byelaws.

Byelaw 1 Application of Byelaws

These Byelaws shall apply to the area (specified in Section 6(7) of the Environment
Act 1995) in respect of which the Agency carries out its functions relating to fisheries
except the Upper Esk.

Byelaw 2 Interpretation of Byelaws

In these Byelaws except where expressly stated or where the context otherwise
requires, all words and expressions used in these Byelaws shall have the meanings
assigned to them by the Environment Act 1995, Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act
1975 and the Water Resources Act 1991 except the meaning of the term “drain” is not
confined to that assigned to it by the Water Resources Act 1991

“Upper Esk” has the same meaning as assigned to it in the Scotland Act 1998 (Border
Rivers) Order 1999.

Byelaw 3 Fish Removal

(i) No person may remove by rod and line any freshwater fish listed in Schedule 1
from any river, stream or drain, or from the waters listed in either Schedule 2 or
Schedule 3 except:

(a) 15 fish, other than grayling, of not more than 20cm per day.

(b) 1 pike of not more than 65cm per day.

(c) 2 grayling of not less than 30cm and not more than 38cm per day.

The size of any fish shall be ascertained by measuring from the tip of the snout to the
fork or cleft of the tail.

Byelaw 3(i) does not apply where written permission has been given by the
Environment Agency to the owner or occupier of the fishery to dispense with any of
these requirements in relation to those fishing the owner's or occupier’s waters.

(ii) No person may remove by rod and line any freshwater fish from any stillwaters or
canals (other than those listed in Schedules 2 or 3) except with the written permission
of the owner or occupier of the fishery.

(iii) No person may remove by rod and line any eels or, subject to the provisions of
sections 9 and 28P of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, shad from any waters.

Subject to the provisions of sections 9 and 28P of the Wildlife and Countryside Act
1981, Byelaw 3 shall not apply to any person who with as little injury as possible
either returns fish immediately to the same water alive or retains fish in a keepnet or
keepsack and then returns it to the same water alive on or before completion of

Byelaw 4 Amendments and Revocations

(i) The amendments to existing Byelaws set out in Schedule 4 shall have effect

(ii) The revocations of existing Byelaws set out in Schedule 5 shall have effect.

These Byelaws come into force on 1 June 2010


Fish species


Common name

Abramis bjoerkna

Silver bream

Abramis brama

Common bream

Barbus barbus


Carassius carassius

Crucian carp

Cyprinus carpio

Common carp

Leuciscus cephalus


Leuciscus leuciscus


Rutilus rutilus


Scardinius erythrophthalmus


Tinca tinca


Esox lucius


Osmerus eperlanus


Thymallus thymallus


Perca fluviatilis


Including hybrids between any of the above

Excluding ornamental varieties or colour variants of
the above species.




Lake Windermere SD39395773

Coniston Water SD3082996365

Ullswater NY450220

Derwentwater NY200260

All waters within the Broads (as defined in section 2(3) of the Norfolk and Suffolk
Broads Act 1988) subject to a close season for freshwater fish.


Llyn Tegid SH 9143 3394

Llyn Maelog SH 3253 7316



North East Region:-

Aire and Calder navigation between Castleford Weir and
Ferrybridge Lock.

Midlands Region:-

Stroudwater and Thames Canal.

Anglian Region:-

Fossdyke Canal.

Thames Region:-

Kennet and Avon Canal downstream of confluence with River
Kennet at Kintbury.

Lee navigation upstream of Aqueduct Lock.


Amendments to Existing Byelaws

Taking/Removal of freshwater fish

1. For Byelaw numbered 6 (which applies in the Yorkshire area of the former
Northumbria & Yorkshire Region of the National Rivers Authority and was
confirmed on the 26th day of October 1967) substitute:-

Byelaw 6 Limitation on the number of fish which may be taken in one

No person shall kill or take away from rivers, streams, drains or canals in the
Agency’s area in any one day more than six trout (including migratory trout
except when caught by a duly authorised net).

Provided that this byelaw shall not apply to any person who takes away more
than six such fish in any one day with the previous permission in writing of
the owner or occupier of the fishery.

2. For Byelaw numbered 7 (which applies in the Yorkshire area of the former
Northumbria and Yorkshire Region of the National Rivers Authority and was
confirmed on 26th day of April 2001) substitute:-

Byelaw 7 Taking of undersized trout

No person shall kill or take away from rivers, streams, drains or canals within
the Agency’s area any fish of the kinds hereinafter mentioned of a size less
than such as is hereinafter specified, that is to say:

Trout (including migratory trout) 23 cms

The size shall be ascertained by measuring from the tip of the snout to the fork
or cleft of the tail.

Provided that this byelaw shall not apply:

(ii) Undersized trout shall not be kept in a keepnet.

3. For Byelaw numbered 7 (which applies in the Yorkshire Ouse and Hull River
Authority area of the North East Region and was confirmed on 26th day of
October 1967) is hereby amended by the substitution for the table therein of
the following table:

Taking of under-sized trout

Trout (including
migratory trout)

23 cms

4. For Byelaw numbered 17 (which applies in the North West Region and which
was confirmed on 11th day of October 1989) substitute:-

Byelaw 17 Removal of fish

No person may take or remove from any waters within the area of the
Authority without lawful authority any salmon or trout, whether alive or dead.

5. For Byelaw numbered 19 (which applies in the North West Region and which
was confirmed on 11th day of October 1989) substitute:-

Byelaw 19 Prohibition of taking undersized fish

No person shall take from any waters within the area any fish of a kind and of
a size less than such size as is hereafter prescribed, that is to say:

Migratory trout 300mm

Brown trout and char 200mm

The size shall be ascertained by measuring from the tip of the snout to the fork
or cleft of the tail.

Provided that this byelaw shall not apply to any person who takes any
undersized fish unintentionally if he at once returns to and liberates the same
in the water with as little injury as possible.

6. For Byelaw numbered 8 (which applies in the Thames Region and was
confirmed on 6th day of June 1978) substitute:-

Byelaw 8 Prohibition on taking undersized fish

Any person who removes from rivers, streams, drains or canals within the area
any fish of a kind and of a size less than such as is hereinafter prescribed, that
is to say:

Brown Trout 25cm

shall be guilty of an offence.

The size shall be ascertained by measuring from the tip of the snout to the end
of the tail fin.

7. For Byelaw numbered 9 (which applies in the Thames Region and was
confirmed on 6th day of June 1978) substitute:-

Byelaw 9 Bag limits

Any person who without the previous consent in writing of the Agency takes
or removes more than two salmon in any one day from rivers, streams, drains
or canals shall be guilty of an offence.

8. For Byelaw numbered 17 (which applies in Wessex area of the South West
Region and was confirmed on 8th day of November 1993) substitute:-

Byelaw 17. Limit on the number of fish which may be permanently
removed from the water.

B. No person shall remove permanently from any waters within the
Bristol Avon Area or the Somerset Area in any one day more than two
non-migratory trout without the written consent of the Authority.

9. For Byelaw numbered 4 (which applies in Midlands Region and was
confirmed on 28th day of March 1991) substitute:-

Byelaw 4 The taking of immature trout

No person shall take any fish of a size less than those prescribed hereunder for
the species stated from the area stated. The size of the fish shall be ascertained
by measuring the fish from the tip of the snout to the fork or cleft of the tail.

a) trout (except rainbow trout)

i) The waters of the River Severn (including its tributaries) above
or upstream of its confluence with the Afon Clywedog (SN
954847); the waters of the River Vyrnwy (including its
tributaries) above or upstream of Dolanog Weir (SJ 067127);
the waters of the River Banwy (including its tributaries) above
or upstream of its confluence with the Afon Gam (SJ 017103);
the waters of the River Tanat (including its tributaries) above or
upstream of its confluence with the River Rhaeadr (SJ 130247)

............ 15 centimetres

ii) All other waters

............. 20 centimetres

b) rainbow trout

The waters of the Rivers Derwent and Amber, including their
tributaries, which are above or up-stream of their confluence at
Ambergate, Derbyshire, (NGR SK 346 515), excluding the stretch of
the River Wye from Blackwell Mill near Buxton to Cressbrook Mill
(NGR SK 173 727) above or upstream-of Ashford-in-the-Water and
excluding any reservoir or lake-formed by the construction of a dam
across the valley of those rivers or across one of their tributaries

............ 20 centimetres

PROVIDED that this byelaw shall not apply in the case of any person who
takes any immature (undersized) fish unintentionally if he at once returns the
same to the water with as little injury as possible.

10. For Byelaw numbered 14 (which applies in Wessex area of the South West
Region and was confirmed on 8th day of November 1993) substitute:-

14. Prohibition of taking undersized trout

No person shall without the lawful authority of the Environment Agency take
from any waters any fish of any kind hereinafter listed which from the tip of
the snout to the fork or cleft of the tail is of less than the size prescribed


25 centimetres, except that the size limit on the By Brook and its
tributaries shall be 20 centimetres


35 centimetres

Provided that this Byelaw shall not apply to any person who catches any
undersized trout unintentionally if he at once returns the same to the water
with as little injury as possible.


Revocations of Existing Byelaws

Byelaw Number


Date of confirmation

Taking/removal of
freshwater fish

5. Maximum number of
fish which can be taken.


21 April 1988

Crucian Carp Crusader Wins Environmental Award

Submitted by Mandi on August 2, 2010 - 3:16pm



                           ***** Crucian Carp Crusader Wins Environmental Award ****



The Angling Trust and the CLA Game Fair are delighted to announce that Peter Rolfe is the winner of the first Fred J Taylor Award for Environmental Stewardship in the world of Angling. Peter is pictured with his trophy here (left), along with the Arthur Oglesby Award winner Hugh Miles (centre) and Bernard Cribbins (right). Peter was selected for his work over nearly four decades studying and conserving crucian carp, a species which has suffered a dramatic decline in numbers due to destruction of its habitat and hybridisation with feral goldfish and other carp. Peter was awarded with the Fred J Taylor Award at the CLA Game Fair on Saturday 24th July in the main theatre, along with a cash prize of £1,000 to spend on furthering his work.

In the 1970s, Peter restored, created and managed several field ponds for the benefit of crucian carp, tench and a host of other wildlife. Thousands of field ponds, once a common sight in the British countryside, have disappeared through neglect or deliberate infilling. In the 1980s, as secretary of his local angling club, Peter then moved on to creating two larger lakes of 2 and 3 acres respectively, stocked with fish which had bred in the field ponds, and restoring two half-acre lakes dating back to Saxon times. The latter he still manages as fisheries and wildlife reserves. In 1989, he set up a business raising water plants and fish, including crucian carp and tench.

He and his partners went on to create more than 20 new ponds, providing thousands of fish for stocking throughout the West Country. In the same year, he supervised restoration of two Victorian estate lakes of 2 acres each, which went on to produce fish approaching record weights. Now in his mid- seventies, Peter has just completed a book (Crock of Gold – Seeking the Crucian Carp, Mpress Ltd.) about crucian carp to pass on his knowledge to fishery managers following in his footsteps. This is the only book devoted entirely to this threatened species. Angling Trust received a small number of very high quality applications for this new award, all of which were entirely eligible to win. However Peter’s nomination stood out as being the precise embodiment of everything the Trust was trying to achieve by creating this award in memory of Fred J Taylor. Chris Yates, angling writer and star of the BBC TV series A Passion for Angling wrote in his testimonial to Peter’s work: “for several years now I have fished a pair of Saxon field ponds beautifully restored by Peter Rolfe.

Though small, these waters are now a favourite with me, not only because of their wonderful crucians and tench, but also because of their wilder inhabitants. In summer, the reedbeds are alive with damselflies and dragonflies; grass snakes bask on the banks, brook lampreys live in the feeder stream and the rare water vole lives under the banks. Last season, there was a barn owl nesting in an oak on the upper pond and I have often seen a pair of hobbies hawking for dragonflies there.” Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust said: “Peter has single-handedly contributed to the salvation of an important fish species for angling while at the same time restoring one of the country’s most threatened habitats: small ponds, along with the plethora of wildlife that are associated with them.

We are privileged that he is the first winner of this award and hope that he will inspire others. We are very grateful to everyone who took the time to apply. We will be promoting the vast amount of work carried out by the angling community to Government in discussions about how we can contribute to the Big Society agenda.” Vincent Hedley Lewis, Chairman of The CLA Game Fair Board said: “Peter is an outstanding role model who hopefully will have inspired many people to improve the water aspects of their land. Improving environmental habitat is an invaluable asset to be appreciated with grateful thanks by generations to come.” Peter Rolfe said: “Fred J Taylor’s book on tench was one of the inspirations for my field pond work in the 1970s and I feel very honoured to have won an award named after him. I am grateful to the sponsors for this opportunity to highlight the plight of the crucian carp, a fish that has been under-valued until now.

Peter Rolfe is the winner of the first Fred J Taylor Award


Their generosity will help me greatly in my latest project, the restoration of six derelict ponds, in two acres of marvellous wetland, where I plan to continue my research into this remarkable fish and to breed many more for waters all over the country.” Notes to Editors:

1. Fred J Taylor. Extracts from an obituary in The Times. Fred. J. Taylor, MBE, angler and writer, died on May 7, 2008, aged 89. He led a life exploring the outdoors, shooting and fishing. He was an expert chef and cooked much of the game he killed. He always had a passion for the environment in which he hunted. His first fishing piece appeared in Angling Times in 1954. He went on to write for many newspapers and magazines, among them The Daily Telegraph, the London Evening Standard, Shooting Times and Saga magazine.He produced numerous books, among them Angling in Earnest, Tench, A Guide to Ferreting, One for the Pot and Reflections of a Countryman.

2. The Fred J Taylor Award. The Angling Trust, in conjunction with The CLA Game Fair, are honouring this great man’s memory with an annual award, the first of which is awarded to Peter Rolfe. A £1,000 cash prize will initially be offered, along with a certificate and trophy. The funds should be spent on furthering the activity for which the award was given and we will invite winners to report back the following year about how the funds were helpful. Applications and nominations are requested from anyone who is, or knows someone else who is, involved in protecting or improving water habitats in England. Individuals, projects and organisations are all eligible for the award. Otherwise there are no constraints on applications. We are keen to highlight the magnificent work that anglers around the country do to clear up litter, restore damaged habitats and prevent pollution.

3. Peter Rolfe’s book, Crock of Gold – Seeking the Crucian Carp, can be obtained from Mpress 0845 408 2606 or at www.calmproductions.com.

4. List of Runners-up in alphabetical order:

Avon Roach Project: a project to reverse the decline in roach populations in the Hampshire Avon run by Trevor Harrop and Budgie Price by installing artificial spawning boards in the river and hatching the spawn in a hatchery at Ringwood. 80,000 one year old fry have been raised and released into stewponds in the past two years for release into the river.

Mr Jeff Marley was nominated by the York & District Amalgamation of Anglers, for whom Mr. Marley has been a committee member for over 24 years. He has in that time worked tirelessly as a volunteer to improve the club’s fisheries and virtually single-handedly built their Laybourne Lakes complex by de-silting a derelict pond and digging a new one. He installed platforms with disabled access around both waters and built a bridge to provide access to the island pegs.

Otterspool Angling Club, Watford was founded 20 years ago by a small group of anglers who secured a licence to fish a mile of the River Colne near Watford. In 2006, anti-social behaviour including littering, fires, poaching and vandalism on neighbouring waters threatened to see the river closed to fishing entirely. The club put a proposal to the Munden Estate to take on the additional mile and have since cleared it of all litter (including 67 black bags, a front door and a fridge) and have restored the habitat using large woody debris to secure the banks and create in-river habitat for spawning. Following a pollution incident in 2008, the club negotiated a 3 year fish stocking programme with the Environment Agency.

River Erewash Foundation: A project set up by anglers on the River Erewash, once the 2nd most polluted river in Europe, on the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. The volunteers have installed natural flow deflectors, cleaned gravels, removed rubbish (including a 3 piece suite, a mountain of shopping trolleys and a complete fitted kitchen), monitored invertebrates and has worked with local schools.

Sankey Angling Club have had the fishing rights to Dimmingsdale Reservoir, and a stretch of the adjacent Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal in Staffordshire since the 1940s. The club has improved the environment of their waters with the help of countless volunteers aged from 7 to 75. Work has included rescuing fish from the canal in a pollution incident, management of water vegetation, installation of 30 bird and bat boxes, maintaining fish stocks, introducing 40 metres of floating island fish havens, removal of mink.

5. Contact Angling Trust, Eastwood House, 6 Rainbow Street, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8DQ. 0844 7700616 www.anglingtrust.net [email protected] Out of hours press enquiries: Mark Lloyd 07973 468198

Wheely Boat Press Release July 2010

Submitted by Mandi on August 2, 2010 - 2:19pm

Suzuki Logo



*Press Release* Press Release* Press Release* Press Release*

Toft Newton Trout Fishery wins 2010 Alan Faulkner Memorial Award

On behalf of The Wheelyboat Trust, veteran actor and passionate angler Bernard Cribbins presented Jason Foster of Toft Newton Trout Fishery with this year’s Alan Faulkner Memorial Award. The presentation took place on Friday, 23rd July at the CLA Game Fair, held this year at Ragley Hall. The main prize was a 4hp outboard motor provided by the award’s sponsors, Suzuki Marine.

Created in memory of the Trust’s Founder President, the award is presented annually to the game fishery that provides disabled anglers with the most outstanding service, facilities, opportunities and access. Previous winners include Eyebrook Trout Fishery, Tweed Foundation, Grafham Water and Lake of Menteith. Toft Newton Trout Fishery is a small reservoir in the heart of rural Lincolnshire and is well established as Lincolnshire’s number one trout fishing venue.

The 40 acre reservoir provides excellent sport for all trout anglers from beginners to expert. It is a concrete bowl and consequently has its limitations in terms of access for disabled anglers but gets round this by operating one of the original Mk I Wheelyboats to run alongside its fleet of standard boats. However, what impressed the judges the most was the attitude and determination of Jason Foster, the fishery’s owner, to ensure that disabled anglers can get on the water and fish.CLA Game Fair 2010

The service he offers is exemplary. While bank access is limited for wheelchair users, the fishing lodge, loos and parking are all accessible, essential requirements for a hassle-free day’s fishing in their Wheelyboat. As well as being a fitting memorial to The Wheelyboat Trust’s Founder President who conceived the idea of the wheelchair accessible boat, the ‘Wheelyboat’, the award is intended to highlight the needs of disabled anglers and encourage fisheries to ensure those needs are accommodated. The Trust is delighted that Suzuki Marine sponsored the award again this year with the main prize of a 4hp 4-stroke outboard. Without their support and appreciation of the award’s aims, it would not be the sought after title it has now become.

The Suzuki small outboard range, from 4 to 15 horsepower, has attracted a strong following amongst anglers, due to the quiet running, low emissions and 4-stroke fuel economy. In common with the rest of the 2hp to 300hp range, they offer excellent value for money. Background The Wheelyboat Trust is a registered charity that promotes and provides the wheelchair accessible Wheelyboat to fisheries and other waters open to the public all over the UK. It has now supplied 136 Wheelyboats since the Trust began work in 1985. It offers four different types of Wheelyboat to suit different activities - two of these have been designed specifically for fishing.

This is the seventh year that Suzuki Marine has sponsored the Alan Faulkner Memorial Award. The Wheelyboat Trust (reg charity no 292216) - Andy Beadsley - Director North Lodge
Burton Park
West Sussex
GU28 0JT Telephone: 01798 342222
Mbl: 07860 650023
email: [email protected]

Fishing Days At Kennick With South West Fishing For Life

Submitted by Mandi on July 27, 2010 - 11:06am


       ****** South West Fishing For Life ******



South West Fishing For Life is delighted to announce the start of another group on a Kennick lake in Devon thanks to SWLakes Trust. The days at Kennick are the 2nd Sunday of the month starting at 2pm and finishing with a delicious tea provided by our lovely volunteers.









All our sessions at the lakes are free to people who have suffering or recovered from breast cancer, thanks to donations, fund raising events and    grants and the generosity of SWLakes Trust. We are now planning another club on a lake in Cornwall for next year. Please look at www.southwestfishingforlife.org.uk to read all about us and to see forth coming fund raising events or contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.


 Enquiries Please Contact:

  Gillian 01398 371244  Email: [email protected]

  Chris Hall  Email:   [email protected]



Legal Loophole Lets Poachers Off The Hook

Submitted by Mandi on July 27, 2010 - 10:05am


******** For immediate release Monday 26 July 2010 *********                                                                    

                    Legal Loophole Lets Poachers off the Hook

The Angling Trust has learnt that DEFRA and the Environment Agency (EA) last year accidentally abolished the law which created an offence of fishing in the close season. This will lead to poachers and illegal anglers caught in this spring’s coarse fishing close season getting away with lesser offences when their cases go to court. The EA has now proposed an emergency byelaw to correct the error. The announcement was tucked away behind an announcement about new byelaws relating to eels, presumably in the hope that no-one would notice. A single bullet point on the last page of a seven page document quietly proposes to: “create the offence for fishing during close seasons and close times” to correct this mistake. The eel byelaws are printed in full, but the close season byelaw is only provided on the Agency web site at http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/recreation/fishing/1...

The Marine & Coastal Access Act repealed Section 19 of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act. This was with the intention of allowing the Agency to regulate and enforce close seasons/close times entirely by byelaw. However, the repeal overlooked the fact that S.19 also contained the only offence of fishing during the close season and close times. Government lawyers had assumed the offence was included in national/regional byelaws, but these simply set out close season dates/times and do not include offences. As a result, while all the existing close seasons and times remain as set out in byelaws, there is now no active offence of fishing during the close season or close times.

The Angling Trust understands that 14 anglers have been successfully prosecuted for fishing in the close season and that their convictions will now have to be nullified. Over 90 other cases are pending. Prosecutions of Section 19 offences will have to be halted, but some offenders will be prosecuted for other offences (e.g. fishing without a licence or byelaw contravention).

In addition, Section 35 (subsection 2) of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act (1975) allows holders of a rod licence to require another angler to show his licence and give his name and address. Failure to produce a licence was an offence. This was a very useful tool for angling clubs and fisheries, in particular for fishery and club bailiffs or water-keepers. However, Section 220 (subsection 8) of the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) removed this authority, limiting it to Environment Agency enforcement officers and police officers only, by amending the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act to omit Section 35, Subsection 2.

Angling Trust will be seeking a reinstatement of this provision. In the meantime the Trust is issuing guidance to its member clubs about how to address this unwelcome change, which we are told is because the old legislation might raise issues regarding data protection requirements and the protection of young people. Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust and Fish Legal said: “We are very concerned that such a major error could be made by the teams of lawyers involved in drafting new legislation. We also believe that the attempts to conceal the error were misconceived and that a full public statement should have been made once the error was discovered. The Trust will remain vigilant in ensuring that law-abiding anglers’ interests are protected, and that clubs and fisheries have the tools available to help police their fisheries.”

Anglers Demand Action As Rivers Dry Up

Submitted by Mandi on July 14, 2010 - 11:46am

******  For immediate release Wednesday 14 July 2010  *********                                                                                   


    Anglers Demand Action As Rivers Dry Up

Thousands of angling clubs, fishery owners and anglers are witnessing low river flows and water levels, which are threatening vital invertebrate life in rivers and fish stocks. Angling Trust is calling on the Government, the Environment Agency and water companies to address the issue by developing long term sustainable management strategies for water resources. Angling Trust and its legal arm Fish Legal have had reports from their members of problems on many rivers including the Eamont in the North West, the Teme in the West Midlands, the Usk in South Wales and the Teign in Devon. Most of the problems are caused by abstraction of water continuing as normal, in spite of the lowest spring and summer rainfall in a generation. The situation has even seen a hosepipe ban introduced in the North West, which is traditionally one of the wettest areas of the country. Low flows impact severely on the ecology of rivers and make them much more vulnerable to pollution because there is less dilution of pollutants and warm water holds less oxygen.

The reduced wetted area means that there is less space for invertebrates to live in, and therefore less food for fish. The Trust is also demanding that the new Government takes on board the recommendations contained in the Blueprint for Water, which was developed by the Angling Trust’s predecessors and 15 other organisations nearly four years ago.

The Blueprint set out a detailed strategy for tackling low flows and addressing water wastage: In summary:

• Reduce total consumption of water by 20% and from 180 litres per day per person to European average levels of 125 litres per day through education and metering.

• Tackle leakage in water company supply pipes.

• Introduce mandatory water efficiency standards in existing homes.

• Make all new-build homes water neutral in areas where water is scarce; developers would have to ensure that new water usage is offset by investment in efficiencies elsewhere.

• Amend or revoke damaging abstraction licences which damage river wildlife.

• Set out a plan for installing water meters in every home by 2020 to deter excessive use, with tariffs to protect vulnerable customers.

• Restore wetlands and halt development on floodplains to allow water to soak into the ground rather than disappear out to sea.

These measures would not only protect wildlife in our rivers, but they would also ensure security of supply for our growing population and reduce the significant energy use and carbon footprint involved in providing water. Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust and Fish Legal said: “our members are fed up with seeing wildlife in the rivers they fish suffering as a result of a failure by Government, OFWAT, the Environment Agency and the Water Companies to develop coherent plans to reduce water use and wastage in the context of climate change and population growth. Rivers are vitally important for a whole host of wildlife and millions of anglers”.

  For More information:


Tel: 0844 7700616

Media enquiries: Mark Lloyd, 07973 468198

South West RFERAC June Report

Submitted by Mandi on July 8, 2010 - 10:02am

South West RFERAC
Regional Report June
The following report was presented to the Regional Fisheries Ecology and Recreation Advisory Committee at it's meeting on 25 June 2010 at the Environment Agency's Regional Offices in Exeter.
Regional Issues
Communicating with anglers
We have produced another regional fisheries magazine, partly as a mechanism for encouraging anglers to renew their rod licence. This was run as a national project which reduced regional and area workload whilst still using local stories and issues. Sending a reminder, such as the magazine, has proved to be very successful in the past in encouraging significant extra licence sales.
Licence income
In 2009/10, we received the following income from South West licence holders;

£0.01m from salmon net licences

£0.18m from salmon rod licences

£1.8m from coarse and trout licences
Salmon rod and net licence money, therefore, pays for around three to four staff members, including essential items such as boats, night vision equipment and vehicles. The remainder of our salmon work is funded by Government grant-in-aid.
Fish kills
Following the national funding paper at the last meeting, members queried whether the national figure of 14% spent on fish kills was similar in South West Region. There were 62 incidents in 08/09 (the same period as that covered by the national statistics) and, even if we attended them all, would have only taken up a maximum of 100 mandays and probably much fewer than that. This equates to around 1% of our South West fisheries time. We recharged polluters around £12k for fisheries incidents where we could identify a source. Many of these reports were of fish in ponds and lakes rather than in the ‘natural’ environment. We can give more details of the south west incidents if requested by members.
Enforcement & Regulation
In the 2009/10 season, our legal action for rod and line offences resulted in fines of £12,015 and costs of £6,620. Interesting cases include what must be a record fine of £700 for an angler who was found guilty of two charges of fishing in the close season and failing to produce a licence. Another case included a charge of causing harassment alarm or distress, (Sect 5 Public Order Act).
We are progressing the issue of catfish illegally introduced within the Avon Valley lakes. We are at the stage of knowing the size and nature of the issue, but just need to work out a sensible approach to their control.
Elver fishing season has been busy near Bridgwater on the Parrett system. As the season draws to an end, bailiffs have seized just under 50 illegal nets. 30 of these have been huge flow nets More people have been caught operating flow nets this year than ever before, with court action planned against 10 fishermen. One flow net was removed from the river and found to contain 15 kilos of elvers, having been fishing for about an hour. The value of the catch was in the region of £3500. The elvers were returned to the river upstream above Oath Lock.
Devon & Cornwall
We continue to find anglers fishing without an appropriate licence. An angler was fined £90 plus £75 costs for rod fishing without a correct licence in December last year. He was fishing in the Wainsford stretch of the Fowey. He did have a valid non migratory trout and coarse licence but not a migratory salmon & sea trout licence.
An angler was fined £115 with £127 costs for fishing without a licence and for giving a false name to an officer in November last year. He was fishing in the Liskeard Angling Club's section of the Fowey.
Two men pleaded guilty to using a drift net in contravention of the SW1 Byelaw in the Fowey Estuary in October last year. They were discovered during a joint “Operation Jetsam” patrol with the Police. The net was 400 metres in length and stretched from one side of the Pont Pill creek to the other (picture a, appendix one). The skipper, who owned the vessel, was fined £215 and his net was confiscated. The other man was given a twelve month conditional discharge.
The links with Devon & Cornwall Police are continuing to gather strength and Operation Jetsam, the routine fisheries / anti marine crime patrols, have begun for this season. On the first patrol, one stolen boat was recovered and two suspected illegal fishermen were stopped and questioned on the Fowey Estuary.
During the winter months, when netting restrictions are relaxed in the Fowey and Camel, spot checks and surveillance revealed that fishermen were abiding by the rules. Day and night patrols, specifically on the Camel, used staff from all four of the Environment Management teams. These patrols underlined our presence to the fishermen.
There were 10 coastal and estuarine net seizures in areas relevant to the Tamar, Lynher, Tavy, Plym and Yealm catchments from April 2009 to March 2010. Any live salmon or sea trout found within the nets were released. All the nets were destroyed and we are pursuing enforcement action in connection with some of these seizures. We continue to work with our enforcement partners in the freshwater, estuarine and coastal areas, with the Ministry of Defence Police providing important assistance.
By December 2009, there had been 43 “Buyer beware” visits, warning outlets about the need to deal only in legally caught salmon and sea trout. Many of these were in the Plymouth and southeast Cornwall area.
Officers have been observing an increase of awareness of licensing requirements from the public. North Devon fisheries staff assisted with elver patrols on the River Parrett with the Wessex staff - very useful patrols with 15 sets of illegal gear being removed during three nights.
Monitoring & Data
In the light of large numbers of eels and elvers using Greylake eel passes, we’re trialling an automated elver counting device that counts, weighs and gives an image of all eels using it. The CCTV video monitoring will continue to audit the counter's performance. We normally expect to see around 40,000 eels use the passes here.
It is hoped to submit several otoliths, (ear stones), to the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquacultures Science (CEFAS) then Southampton University for micro analysis for strontium and calcium analysis. The ratio of these two elements gives us a view of the life history of the eel in terms of the amount of time spent in freshwater vs saltwater and everything inbetween. This will be important in establishing our compliance with the European target of 40% escapement for silver eels.
During 2009, over 1100 eels were electronically counted escaping the Huntspill, with a peak of activity in November, amounting to a biomass of 341kg. Taking a very difficult upstream wetted area estimate and various sources of uncertainty into account, this equates to a range between 0.6 to 5.7 kg/ha/yr. This range appears consistent with findings from the other monitoring locations in the Severn catchment. These data have been reported in accordance with our Eel Management Plan commitments. For 2010, a repeat deployment is planned to cover the period from October to December and allow for a comparison of results with the previous year’s data.
The results of a novel eel-specific electric fishing technique have been assessed using data collected between 2007 and 2009. These have shown that standard electric-fishing surveys under-estimate the number of eels present by between 15% and 45% depending on a range of environmental variables and river conditions. The method allows for the collection of multi-species data suitable for Water Framework Directive classifications.
In Blandford, we’ve begun the annual electric-fishing monitoring programme starting with coarse fish surveys on the lower Stour. On the Hants Avon, the fish counter has recorded a comparatively slow start to the spring run of salmon, and we hope this is down to low water temperatures. However there have been some notable catches of salmon in the last few weeks with a 24 ½lb fish and an estimated 33lb fish being caught. Not to be outdone, the Dorset Frome has also produced a salmon of around 30lb. All of these fish were returned safely to carry on their journey.
Devon & Cornwall
An electric-fishing survey in May 2010 recorded salmon on the River Par for the first time. A single salmon parr was recorded in the lower river adjacent to the A3092 road bridge.
Over 20 pike were removed from Par duckpond during an Agency initiative to improve brown trout stocks in the river and restore the natural fish population of the pond.
2009 saw the highest sea trout run on the Tamar for many years. We estimate that over 17,000 sea trout ran into the river. This is the best recorded run since 1996. The salmon run recorded was about the average. In collaboration with Cornwall County Council, we surveyed the fish populations in Bude Marshes. This area is a nature reserve used for education. Brown trout, bass, mullet, stickleback, eels, tench, roach and rudd were recorded. A survey of the marsh pools created by the Agency at Sladesbridge on the Camel revealed a diverse fish fauna. Some of the ponds supported coarse fish, whilst others were used by estuarine fish species such as grey mullet. We recorded a gilthead bream during a WFD survey on the Fal near Tresillian. This is the first time we have caught giltheads on this highly diverse estuary. It was a surprise to see this species so far up the estuary at such low salinity.
In Devon, we have just began our fish survey season. There will be over 115 fish surveys carried out this year on the range of habitats in Devon. 37 of these surveys will be for Water Framework Directive sites to assess waterbodies for their fish status.
Projects & Data
Since the last update in November, fishing projects have been delivered including part-funding of otter-proof fencing to Taunton AA’s Maunsell Ponds fishery, floating islands at Henleaze angling lakes and Walrow Ponds, improved all ability access at Bridgwater AA’s Combwich Lake and improved access at Bristol’s Amalgamated Fisheries lakes in Calne.
We funded 4 Bridgwater AA and 8 Clevedon AA members to be trained as Level 1 angling coaches which will help future Club Mark accreditation and angling coaching. In February, Wessex (Bridgwater) put on a well-attended Coarse Fisheries Management Seminar at Cannington College.
Nationally, in 2009/10 we installed 108 eel passes/easements. This year we have a great selection of eel pass/easement projects in the south west, 17 candidates, most of which should go ahead depending on the funding available (we’re waiting for a Defra announcement). We have £35K already from the Coarse, Trout and Eels (CTE) budget. The local rivers trust are likely to be match funded to help with delivering these obligations under the new regulations and also delivering our actions in the South West Eel Management Plan.
Locally we have developed a modular eel pass system which uses standardized channel and substrate to make purchase and installation as simple and cost effective as possible. This system has proved very popular and has been used by many other Regions. The channel costs £120 per 2.4 m length. There are two product types which cater for gravity fed and pump fed systems.
This year we have secured project funds for a number of coarse and trout projects. In Blandford, these projects are focusing on improvement habitat on the Lower Stour, Wylye and Dorset Frome. We will also be working very closely with Water Level Management Plan colleagues as they move forward with river restoration on the Hants Avon and Dorset Frome. We have also recently completed an eel pass on Baggs Mill at the bottom of the River Piddle and a low cost baffle fish pass at Jessop’s Avenue on the River Asker, to aid sea trout migration into this river.
Over the next few months we have a number of angling participation events planned with local angling clubs. With the Angling Development Board, we are also continuing angling development by increasing the pool of local coaches within angling clubs.
Devon & Cornwall
Work has been completed on a new fish pass on a tributary of the River Lew. Combebow pipe bridge previously caused a major problem for salmon and seatrout migrating to spawning grounds upstream. The small pipes and long downstream sill made upstream migration rarely possible.
The Environment Agency Operation Delivery team removed the central two pipes and replaced them with a large box section, providing much improved migration access and an increased flow capacity. The village residents requiring access via the bridge managed with a temporary bridge during construction and were happy with this short-term arrangement to enable us install these fisheries improvements.
Operations Delivery staff did a fantastic job despite the very cold weather and at times had to use a blow torch to remove gravel that had frozen to the walling stone that they were using. Lesley Newport, Project Manager said, "the team worked very hard in difficult conditions to get the job done well and now fish can migrate freely under all flows".
Approximately 10km of riverine bankside habitat was protected by stock fencing on the River Tamar in 2009. The organisation and running of this work has been completed in partnership with local landowners and farmers. Future benefits of this work include reduced siltation inputs, reduced diffuse runoff and significantly enhanced riparian vegetation leading to cleaner rivers and improved fish stocks.
We have continued to use the gravel screening bucket, (purchased last year), on the upper Tamar.
Eight spawning areas at Tetcott and five at Luffincott were cleaned using this apparatus. The larger cleaned gravels were returned to the river creating improvements to these spawning sites.
The Whalesborough elver pass was installed this spring using Defra funds and follows on from the elver pass placed on the tidal weir at Bude, some 3km downstream. This now allows access to 25km of catchment.
This now completes the fish passage work at Whalesborough weir which includes an “Alaskan A” fishpass for sea trout installed on the weir in 2009.
RFERAC Regional Report
June 2010

Environment Agency - Where does my licence money go?

Submitted by Mandi on June 18, 2010 - 11:05am


For those keen anglers who fish in England, Scotland or Wales and always pay their annual rod licence, you probably have wondered what happens to all of that money? Especially when in 2008 over 1.3 million were sold, a record sale. Well in this exclusive show we have brought you some answers. The Environment Agency has teamed up with OnlineFishing.tv to bring you a fantastic new and exclusive programme about where your licence money is spent.

The show takes you to the EA fish laboratory at Brampton and to the Calverton fish farm to show you some of the hard work that goes into the scientific research which is important in keeping the fish alive and healthy. We also head out and about on various rivers across the country with some of the Environment Agency teams, including a barbel refuge, the flood refuge scheme and electrofishing operation to see how they keep fisheries stocked and maintained.

We then spend a day in the life of the EA enforcement officers and learn about how important their job is and what they do to keep people from doing things they shouldn't be.

Angling Trust Newscast 11th June 2010

Submitted by Mandi on June 16, 2010 - 10:46am

More than 60 of our members travelled from all over the country to attend the historic first AGMs of the
Angling Trust and Fish Legal at Stoneleigh Park last weekend. Presentations by the Chairmen of each
organisation and by the joint Chief Executive were well received and there was a unanimous vote for
the nomination of the existing Board of Directors of AT and the Committee of Fish Legal, along with
the nomination of John Amery, David Kent, and Robert Dyer as new Directors of AT. Of more than 950
proxy votes received before the meeting, about 85% were in favour of the candidates. A full report of
the meeting will be posted on the noticeboard on the web site in the next fortnight.
The meeting went very well, and the Directors and staff were very grateful to the many members who
came to make their views heard and give useful advice to make the Angling Trust even more
successful. There were many constructive suggestions, including greater transparency, better
communication of the extensive work of both organisations and more benefits for junior members. We
will take all these and the others on board.
Fred French MBE, probably the longest-standing supporter of angling unity in the country and our first
life member, was sadly unable to attend for health reasons. Everyone at the meeting sent Fred their
best wishes.
The new Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon MP also sent his apologies, but has offered to meet the
Board as soon as possible to discuss marine and freshwater issues. This meeting is being arranged.
Calling all clubs & fisheries
Enclosed with the latest newsletter was a form for member clubs if they would like to join Angling Trust
in exhibiting for a reduced rate at the CLA Game Fair from 23rd to 25th July. Please fill these in and
send them direct to the Game Fair by the end of next week. We can e-mail forms to you if you have
mislaid yours. Individual members also received a £6-off voucher for entry to the Game Fair.
Win £1,000 Cash!
The Angling Trust, in conjunction with The CLA Game Fair, is honouring Fred J Taylor’s memory with
an annual award for environmental stewardship of water habitats in England.. The award includes
£1,000 to help continue the work and a certificate and trophy. We want to use this award to promote
all the valuable things that anglers do to look after both the marine and freshwater environment.
Details of how to apply can be found HERE and applications close on Friday 25 June.
Environmental campaigns update
Mark Owen has completed the first phase of removal of the weirs on the Sussex Ouse and has
succeeded in securing tighter environmental protection standards on the River Tame which will reduce
the chance of last year's fish kills being repeated. David Mitchell is investigating three candidate
marine environmental campaigns; please e-mail him if there are problems which we might be able to
help solve. Angling Trust and Fish Legal continue to work closely together on our judicial review of
Defra regarding the inadequate River Basin Management Plans.
Legal advice matters
Fish Legal has been inundated with requests for legal advice recently. It is our busiest time of year,
with the start of the new river coarse fishing season just around the corner and pollution and fish
health problems made worse by summer weather. It would help us help you in the most efficient way if
you could submit requests for advice in writing, with full details of the problem you face.
Report fish crime
Angling Trust is working with CEFAS Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) and other partners to sponsor a
new initiative with crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers that targets the theft and illegal importation of
fish and the theft of expensive angling equipment. Please phone 0800 555 111 or visit
www.crimestoppers-uk.org to pass on information about crime anonymously.
We need lots of lots
Angling Trust and Fish Legal are holding an auction in the autumn newsletter and we are looking for
donations of fishing, books, tackle, experiences, hotel stays and anything else of any value to help us
raise money for the work that we do. There are more details about what we need to know in the paper
newsletter we sent recently or from Will Smith in our membership department.
In the meantime, we encourage people to bid generously to support Breast Cancer Care, a registered
charity, for a day’s fishing with Martin Bowler for two anglers either summer fishing for tench on an
Oxford estate lake or for a day on the Wye fishing for barbel this Autumn. Bids close on June 16th.
More information is available HERE
With all best wishes from everyone at Angling Trust and Fish Legal for a good summer’s fishing.

Wheelyboat Trust Spring 2010 Newsletter

Submitted by Mandi on June 10, 2010 - 3:13pm

THIS YEAR The Wheelyboat Trust turns 25 years old and what better way to celebrate than
with our busiest year so far with 16 new Wheelyboats due to be launched on waters
throughout the UK and Ireland. Three have already been delivered (Lake Windermere,
Eyebrook Trout Fishery and Lough Carrigavantra) with two more for Upper Tamar
Lake and Rudyard Lake currently at our boatbuilder’s. Other projects include Blithfield
Reservoir, Grafham Water, Bewl Water, Hull’s East Park Lake, Rollesby Broad,
Creggan Country Park, Tiverton Canal, River Tay and Loch Awe. There is a good mix
of projects, multi-purpose usage as well as angling, concurrent with our Wheelyboats For All
aims. The most exciting project underway and a new development for the Trust is the
joint-venture with Bristol Sailability to provide them with a 21’ 12 seater—our new Mk IV
and latest Wheelyboat model to join the fleet.Back in 1985 we were The Handicapped Anglers Trust, our principal beneficiaries being disabled trout
anglers, and our solution to their access difficulties was the original (Mk I) Wheelyboat model. The first ever
Wheelyboat venue was Barn Elms Reservoir in London followed soon after by Bewl Water in Kent. Currently,
Wheelyboat number 134 (a Mk III for Rudyard Lake) is being built and as well as angling it will be used for
pleasure boating and nature watching. This project perfectly illustrates the objectives of the Trust today—
open access for disabled people on waters everywhere via a range of Wheelyboat models to meet everyone’s
The Mk III is our most versatile Wheelyboat to date and has done more than any other model to help the
Trust broaden the use and availability of Wheelyboats beyond the fishing lake. Helping disabled anglers is still
a primary aim, however, and to ensure their needs are fully met we developed the Coulam 15 and 16
Wheelyboats for angling on rivers and stillwaters.
We now supply four distinct models of Wheelyboat (as well as refurbished Mk Is and Mk IIs) each suited to
different activities and the needs of their users. We have come a very long way since the days of our onesize-
fits-all Mk I and, as a result, are helping many more disabled people all over the UK participate in
waterborne activities and thus experience the thrill, challenge, adventure and freedom they provide.Back in 1985 we were The Handicapped Anglers Trust, our principal beneficiaries being disabled trout
anglers, and our solution to their access difficulties was the original (Mk I) Wheelyboat model. The first ever
Wheelyboat venue was Barn Elms Reservoir in London followed soon after by Bewl Water in Kent. Currently,
Wheelyboat number 134 (a Mk III for Rudyard Lake) is being built and as well as angling it will be used for
pleasure boating and nature watching. This project perfectly illustrates the objectives of the Trust today—
open access for disabled people on waters everywhere via a range of Wheelyboat models to meet everyone’s
The Mk III is our most versatile Wheelyboat to date and has done more than any other model to help the
Trust broaden the use and availability of Wheelyboats beyond the fishing lake. Helping disabled anglers is still
a primary aim, however, and to ensure their needs are fully met we developed the Coulam 15 and 16
Wheelyboats for angling on rivers and stillwaters.
We now supply four distinct models of Wheelyboat (as well as refurbished Mk Is and Mk IIs) each suited to
different activities and the needs of their users. We have come a very long way since the days of our onesize-
fits-all Mk I and, as a result, are helping many more disabled people all over the UK participate in
waterborne activities and thus experience the thrill, challenge, adventure and freedom they provide.

Fish 'O' Mania Qualifier Stafford Moor Fishery

Submitted by Mandi on May 19, 2010 - 11:28am

******** For immediate release Saturday 8th May 2010 ********

Fish 'O' Mania Qualifier Stafford Moor Fishery 


The Fish ‘O’ Mania qualifiers reached the halfway stage on Saturday at the highly regarded Stafford Moor Fishery in North Devon. Tim Bull (Dynamite Baits) aged 39 years, a Business Development Manager from Leamington is the eighth qualifier to join the line up for the Fish ‘O’ Mania final with a winning weight of 138-8-0 of Carp from Tanners 2. Tim picked up some useful information at Stafford Moor before the match and was told that Tanners would be the lake to draw as favourite in the conditions.

Unfortunately for Tim it was not plain sailing as he had quite a steady start catching smaller carp of around the 3 lb mark in the first hour or more, using a straight three/eighth ounce bomb with an 11 ml Dynamite XL pellet lassoed on his basic rig. Tim cast about 40 yards towards the far bank but the big key was to pick his moments when the wind died down to feed. As he went into the second hour the carp got bigger, but there were longer intervals between the bites. However, with careful feeding and fish of around the 7 lb mark he was building up a good weight. At the end of five hours Tim had around twenty-eight carp for his win and produced the biggest margin victory of all the qualifiers, this year, to date. After a few years of trying Tim has been very close on a couple of occasions but he will be competing in the final at Cudmore in July for the first time where he obviously hopes to emulate his brother the top commercial angler, Mick Bull who won the Fish 'O' Mania final in 2008. Winner Tim Bull

With Tanners dominating this event local angler Mark Hayman (Stafford Moor) used his experience on the venue to make the most of his peg Tanners 34 draw, catching carp to 10 lb in his 84-2-0 of carp, with tactics being bomb and pellet. In third place from Tanners 6 was Trevor Senior (Vespe Army) from Salisbury with a weight of 76-4-0. Harry Marsh (Maver Farnborough) from Reading took fourth place from last year’s winning peg Tanners 18 with a weight of 73-2-0. In fifth place from peg Woodpecker 21 with 70-1-0 was one of last year’s finalists Andy Power (Preston Innovations Thatchers) from Wells Somerset. 

The conditions on the day were not ideal, cold and overcast with rain forecast for later in the day. The weather played a big part in the results, with many anglers who were catching from the start seeing their swims die after a few hours as the wind moved the fish around and pushed them on to the pegs that had not had such a good start. In the end the result was a close run thing, all through the day the predictions were changing from one peg to another and into the final hour it could have gone either way between the top 5 anglers. Tim made the most of his peg and took his chances to leap ahead and win as it turned out quite comfortably, with the other four places separated by 4 or 5 fish.

Local Man Wins Fish O Mania Qualifer At Viaduct Fishery

Submitted by Mandi on April 16, 2010 - 4:04pm



 ****** For immediate release Thursday 15 April 2010 *******


 First Fish ‘O’ Mania 2010 Qualifier at Viaduct Won by Local Man  

Local Somerton estate agent manager Ray Hayward (Carps AC/Team Viaduct) undoubtedly had the shortest journey of all the 130-entry in the first of the sixteen Fish ‘O’ Mania qualifiers. Ray’s house virtually overlooks his favourite fishery at Viaduct and his experience showed as he went on to win the event. With the weather rapidly warming up and plenty of carp visible on the lakes the talk was for a draw on the prolific Campbells Lake. After several weeks of cold and icy conditions, tactics were quite open and it really was anyone’s guess as to where the winner would come from and what tactics he would use. Ray drew on Spring Lake peg 22, at the other end to Campbells and ironically he was in two minds about whether to fish or not as he really didn’t fancy the shallow swim.

However, ‘in for a penny’ Ray gave it a go and received a little more impetus when the angler drawn next to him didn’t show up to his peg! Word soon got around that they were catching well on the other lakes while Ray landed his first carp after a quarter of an hour, albeit a large one, on waggler, with an 8 ml banded pellet fished well out. He stuck with the rod and line and waggler approach while he catapulted pellets down the margins towards the vacant peg, occasionally looking for any fish activity in that vicinity. On the three hours mark he had caught just three carp on the waggler and he thought he was really out of the match when he spotted a tail swirl on his inside line. A quick switch to the pole saw him land nine more lumpy carp, twelve in all, scaling a fantastic 136-3-0.

Ray had three carp in between 18 and 19 lb in his haul. Despite some big weights from the other pools, Ray was declared the winner. It is the second time that the 49-year old has reached the final; he last did so in 2003 after winning the qualifier at Barford Lakes. Ray also won the Wednesday Open with a similar weight at Viaduct and on Thursday his mate Keith Massheder (Langport) did likewise with a double ton. To keep things even more local Keith, who works for the Royal Navy, came second in the Fish ’O’ Mania with another dozen carp, again on pellet, for 127-6-0 from Lodge Lake. Myles Levy (Basingstoke) and Brett Cooper (Eastleigh) were the pick of the other huge weights with their third and fourth scores of 111-14-0 and 110-3-0 respectively.

Qualifier number two will be at Tunnel Barn Farm in Warwickshire this Saturday when the next finalist will be decided. Angling Trust Competitions & Events Manager, Sandra Drew said: “This year there has yet again been a huge demand for tickets for this very prestigious event which is managed by Matchroom Sports and administered by Angling Trust. Fish O Mania is considered one of the biggest and most exciting matches in all angling. Congratulations to Ray for his superb win at Viaduct, making him the first to qualify in 2010. Anglers all over the country will be watching eagerly to see who will join Ray for the 16-angler final in July at Cudmore”.

Do You Want To Fish For England?

Submitted by Mandi on April 12, 2010 - 11:46am

 ******** For immediate release Friday 9 April 2010 *********                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Do You Want to Fish for England?

Angling Trust is seeking nominations for the England team for Anglers with Disabilities and for the Veterans England team. Successful applicants will represent Team England in this year’s World Championships taking place on the 7th & 8th August in France for Anglers with Disabilities, and in Belgium on the 10th & 11th July 2010 for the Veterans. England Team Manager Joe Roberts has arranged for two separate trials to take place to identify anglers of international calibre who are experienced in fishing with bloodworm and joker.

Both trials will be fished to FIPSed international rules, and fishing to 11 ½ metre limit on pole for roach and skimmers. Fishing will take place from 11.00am-3.00pm for both trials. The trials will take place at Packington Somers Fisheries, Somers Road, Meriden. CV7 7PL. The first trial will be held for Anglers with Disabilities on Saturday 22nd May. The trial for the Veterans is for anyone who is 60 and over at the date of the trial on Sunday 23rd May. .

The venue, Packington Somers, is considered one of the most successful and varied commercial coarse fisheries in the Midlands, if not the UK. Any angler who would like to take part in the trails are requested to contact Sandra Drew, Competitions & Events Manager, Angling Trust on 0115 9061 301 or email [email protected] by no later than 10th May 2010 with their nomination.

Joe Roberts, England Team Manager believes that after last year’s qualification rounds that the teams were very successful in gaining medals in both categories and this year the teams will be looking to go one better and win gold. Dick Clegg, OBE, International Coarse Events Manager stated that “I support Joe’s decision to hold these trials and it is an opportunity to find some of the highest quality anglers in the country to compete at international level in the World Championships.

Anglers who represent Angling Trust in the World Championships work exceptionally well together, and I am sure they will have an excellent chance of coming away with a medal”.
