Warm weather advice for fisheries
You may be aware that we could be facing a warm and dry summer this year. As a result, you need to think about how you can protect your fish stocks during this time. I have attached our guidance (See next page below) on things to consider during warm weather events and what to do if you do see fish in distress or dying fish.
It is really important that you put measures in place to protect your fish stocks as soon as possible and before it gets too late. If you have equipment such as aerators that have not been used yet this year, then please check that they are working and consider using them now before the oxygen levels start to drop. If you don’t have aerators, then now is the time to think about getting some, and knowing what to do should problems occur.
If you need any advice about how to protect your fish stocks or what measures may be suitable at your fishery, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with myself or Matt Pang (Tel: 01278 484600 or Email: [email protected]).
Summer advice for fishery managers
Act now to protect your fishery