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Sea Trout Protection and Preservation

Submitted by Mandi on March 31, 2010 - 11:16am

What is a Sea Trout?
English and Welsh rivers were colonised by sea trout at the end of the last Ice Age, and their descendents are the populations of brown trout and sea trout we know today (both Salmo trutta). Resident and migratory characteristics have developed within individual catchments, so that some fish now remain permanently resident (brown trout), some always migrate (sea trout) and others can do either, depending on circumstances. It is believed that both genetics and environmental issues, such as habitat and available food, play a part in whether or not a trout migrates to sea.

Why do Sea Trout require Protection?
At the 1st International Sea Trout Symposium at Cardiff University in July 2004, four key issues emerged as being vital to the future of our sea trout stocks:

Sea trout utilise tiny spawning streams, but these are the very habitats most at threat from unsympathetic land use and agriculture.

Finnish sea trout stocks have been savaged by fish being accidentally caught in the coastal white fish gill-net fishery. The UK's coastal waters are exploited by bass gill-netters, and the potential threat to sea trout is obvious.

Larger female sea trout are often multiple repeat spawners with a potential to deposit many eggs over their lifetime, so maximising their contribution to local stocks. They have proven their fitness to survive in both the river and the sea and so contain important genes to pass on to their progeny. Protection of larger fish is therefore vital.

Some scientific opinion suggests that salmon are on the edge of their viable range in the southern half of England and Wales. If our climate becomes warmer, as is widely predicted through global warming, sea trout will also be vulnerable to the resulting environmental pressures, such as droughts, abnormal winter flows, inevitable changes to their growth/life history and, weakened by sub-lethal levels of pollution while in rivers, they might be unable to survive the additional stress of migrating from freshwater into the marine environment.

What can you do to help?
Policies to protect spawning habitat and the control of coastal netting are matters best dealt with at national level by influencing legislation and byelaws. Joining a national organisation is an excellent way of helping this work (see organisations on back page).

Locally, you can help by supporting the work of Rivers Trusts - contact the Association of Rivers Trusts or Afonydd Cymru for further information.

Anglers can help conserve sea trout stocks by showing restraint in the number of fish they kill. A 'large' sea trout will vary from river to river but as a rule, we believe that all fish over 5 lbs are best released unharmed to the water, and this size limit should be reduced in areas where smaller sea trout are the norm.

Finally, if you see a pollution incident, or anything else which you feel could be detrimental to fish stocks in rivers or lakes, contact the Environment Agency Emergency number: 0800 807060

Sporting Value
Sea trout are superb sporting fish, highly prized by game anglers throughout England and Wales. Whereas many rivers have seen a decline in salmon runs, sea trout populations have generally fared rather better and, in several areas, their value to anglers and the local economy now exceeds that of salmon. However, warning signs have recently appeared which suggest that sea trout are also under pressure. Therefore, protective measures taken now might avert a future collapse in stocks.

How do you safely release a Sea Trout?
Most importantly, use single, barbless hooks and as strong a tippet as feasible. Play the sea trout quickly and, wherever possible, net the fish in water deep enough to avoid contact with river bed or bank. Handle the fish sparingly (this is where barbless hooks will greatly assist), using tweezers or pliers to remove the hook, and then release from the net. However, where a sea trout has been played to exhaustion, it will be necessary to carefully hold the fish facing the current until it regains sufficient strength to swim away from the hand. Take extra care during the summer months when water temperatures are high and fish can take longer to recover.

Habitat improvement
This example shows how the creation of buffer zones reduces impact from farm stock and quickly returns a stretch of river to a more natural state.

Don't forget to report your catch!
Catch statistics are a vital tool in determining the local and national trends in sea trout populations. Don't forget to fill in the returns (for both killed and returned fish) on the back of your Environment Agency Migratory Fish Licence and send back to the address supplied. This should also include nil returns, as fishing effort plays an important part in the Environment Agency's current methodology for sea trout stock assessment, as it is based on trends in catch per licence day.

Based on the latest available rod catch and effort data, all rivers would benefit from increased catch and release of sea trout, although those under particular pressure include:
South West: Otter, Dart, Fowey, Torridge, Camel
North West: Ribble, Lune, Cumbrian Esk, Derwent, Border Esk, Eden
Wales: Tawe, Teifi, Dwyfawr, Tywi, Ogmore, Loughor, Ogwen

Finally, several sea trout projects are now underway, including the Celtic Sea Trout Project (www.celticseatrout.com). Some of these may require anglers to contribute scale samples and, although this will be on a voluntary basis, your assistance wherever possible would be greatly appreciated.

Further information
Salmon & Trout Association www.salmon-trout.org
Welsh Salmon and Trout Angling Association www.wstaa.org
Environment Agency www.environment-agency.gov.uk
Association of Rivers Trusts www.associationofriverstrusts.org.uk
Afonydd Cymru www.afonyddcymru.org

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Cornwall Fisheries Report

Submitted by Mandi on December 2, 2009 - 4:37pm

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Cornwall Fisheries Report
We've had a number of high profile enforcement
successes, several of which have led to
widespread media coverage. In June, a
Wadebridge man was found guilty of the illegal
capture of a salmon from the River Camel. A
fishmonger was also found guilty of the illegal
purchase and sale of the same fish.
In July, three men were found guilty of setting
illegal gill nets between Rock and Polzeath. In
August, a Padstow man was found guilty of setting
an illegal net in the estuary near Little Petherick.
Three illegal nets have been seized and destroyed
from Plymouth Sound, Polhawn and Millendreath.
Data from the River Tamar trap and fish counter
suggest that, although there have been
reasonable numbers of multi-sea winter salmon
returning, grilse numbers have been unusually
Angling participation events
We have had another great year with seven junior
events, five adult events and a hugely successful
family day. In total, we’ve coached around 300
people. Alongside the routine angling
participation events, we also ran some
collaborative projects that increase angling
participation and also improve access to fisheries.
Kerrier Pupil Referral Unit
This project was a collaboration with SW Lakes
Trust who gave us free use of Stithians. We were
able to run five days for pupils from the school.
This enabled 80 students a chance to try a days
Cornwall Blind Association
We have funded this charity to enable them to run
six introduction days for five people. A lower ratio
of students to teachers was obviously required
but, even so, 30 people have been given the
chance to try fishing. This did prove a challenge to
our coaches Bob and Jerry, one that they
wholeheartedly embraced and the feedback has
been excellent. We hope to continue to work with
Echo Physical Disability Centre
With a free venue provided by SW Lakes Trust, we
were able to run five days of fishing using the
wheelyboat at Siblyback, coaching 45 people.
Bere Alston & 29th Plymouth Scout Groups
Our contribution to these groups enabled them
each to run five days of fishing for 160 people. The
scouts were tremendously well organised and the
days ran like clockwork.
South West Prisons Angling Association
We have recently made contact with this new club
and are planning to fund them in the near future.
Club Brunel
Access to Sillaton Lakes for the less able members
will be improved by stabilising the access paths
using better surface drainage. Also, improvements
will be carried out to the fishing pegs to enable
people of all abilities to fish.
Whalesborough Fish Pass Project (Stat and Neet)
An Alaskan A fish pass has been installed at
Whalesborough. The project was funded by
Environment Agency regional money and by North
Cornwall District Council. The fish pass will enable
sea trout and eels to gain access to over 25km of
the Rivers Neet and Strat. These rivers are
currently classed as 'Poor' for fish populations
under the Water Framework Directive. This is great
news, as Whalesborough weir has been a barrier
to sea trout and eels for years.
Sky Tips erosion control
We now have agreement with the landowner to
trial straw bales to prevent sand run off from old
china clay tips into the River Warleggan.
7% of the salmon caught in the trap have had ‘red
vent’ syndrome, a condition linked to a parasitic
worm Anisakis sp. The condition causes necrosis
of the flesh around the vent which opens the fish
up to secondary bacterial infections and may
potentially affect spawning success.
The fish counter and trap at Gunnislake also
recorded large numbers of sea lamprey
(Petromyzon marinus) returning to spawn in 2009
with more than 300 counted between April and
August. As well as recording biological
information, fin clips were taken from some of the
sea lamprey as part of a genetic study. The study
is investigating the genetic distinctness of
European sea lamprey populations to see if each
country, region or river has its own genetically
distinct population. This would have important
implications for their conservation and
Fish runs on the Fowey have shown a 13%
decrease in salmon/large sea trout numbers and a
48% increase in sea trout numbers compared to
this time last year.
Trophy Partnership
(Torpoint Rame Outdoor Pastimes & Hobbies for
This project seeks to involve young people in
outdoor pursuits in an effort to divert them from
anti social behaviour. We were delighted to work
with Police Community Support Officer John
Riggall and coach Bob Tetley to sponsor two days
of fishing. The uptake was great and saw 30
people receiving coaching.
The Zone - Youth Enquiry Service
Working with the Plymouth based youth group, we
enabled 80 children to sample coarse fishing over
five days.
Combebow Fish Pass (Tamar catchment)
A tributary of the River Lew is affected by a pipe
bridge as the pipes are too small to allow easy
migration of fish through them. Access to
significant salmon and sea-trout spawning
upstream will be improved. We will be replacing
three smaller pipes with a large culvert. The
culvert has been ordered and installation is
expected to start in the next few weeks.
Trenant Stream Gravel work (Fowey catchment)
The Fowey River Association are key partners in a
project with SWW funding to improve spawning
gravels in the Trenant Stream near Park Pit. The
work will start in the next few weeks.
Tamar gravel work
The cleaning and creation of 14 gravel spawning
areas has been completed at Tetcott and Luffincott
on the River Tamar using the gravel cleaning
bucket. The cleaning of natural gravels is
considered better than importing stone, a method
previously used.
Piall restoration (River Yealm)
Agreement has been reached with Imerys over the
works to be carried out including: reinstatement of
250m of natural channel, creation of in-stream
habitat to improve biodiversity and fish passage
improvements. The work will be carried out this
Hill Bridge, River Tavy - fish screen and fish pass
Work is now complete on this large environmental
improvement project, including the placing of
boulders for a secondary migration route in high
flows. A new fish pass and intake screens have
been installed by South West Hydro to make their
hydrogeneration stations more sustainable.
Evans Weir
Interim improvements have been made to the
existing fish pass where timbers had been lost
and leaks had made the pool fish pass
impassable in most flows. We have secured Defra
funding for design work for a new Larinier fish
pass, hopefully to be installed next summer.
Cotehele (Tamar Catchment)
Through negotiation with the National Trust we
have secured agreement for significant
improvement of the Cotehele fish pass on the
Morden Stream.
Knotweed control (River Tavy)
Roger Round from Tavy Walkham and Plym Fishing
Club is again tackling knotweed on the Tavy with
the assistance of Environment Agency funding and
Salmon Tributary Project (Tamar, Tavy, Lynher,
Yealm, Plym)
Over 6,112 metres of fencing has been installed
with more lined up to do (2,900 metres). This has
been done in partnership with local farmers in
order to protect the riverbanks from erosion and to
encourage riparian growth.

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Devon Fisheries Report

Submitted by Mandi on December 2, 2009 - 4:16pm

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Devon Fisheries Report
There have been several seizures of illegal fishing
equipment on the Axe, Otter and Sid
catchments. These included a small stop net set in
a back water on the estuary at high tide to prevent
fish moving back into the main channel as the
water receded. It was aimed most probably at
mullet where the poachers’ intention was to spear
the fish with bow and arrow. A net was set across
the River Axe by poachers who were apprehended
with eight sea trout. A case file has been
completed and submitted to the legal team with a
prosecution being recommended.
Changes to live fish movement process
New Barn Angling Centre in Paignton became the
first fishery to trial the new Live Fish Permit. This
was a useful exercise to see where improvements
to the new system could be made before it comes
into force.
Changes to live fish movement process
New Barn Angling Centre in Paignton became the
first fishery to trial the new Live Fish Permit. This
was a useful exercise to see where improvements
to the new system could be made before it comes
into force.
Exeter Lake Project
Contractors, Bridge Civil Engineering,
conducted an initial archaeology survey of the site
at the end of August . This revealed medieval field
boundaries which were recorded before work
on the lakes could begin. The two lakes and
wetland took about a month to excavate during a
welcome dry spell. Ramped access points from the
canal bank, paths and platforms are now being
installed. Once completed, the lake will be
allowed to fill and the site will be landscaped and
left to naturalise before being opened to the
public. The lakes will be managed by Exeter &
District AA who are keen to make the venue a
junior angling Centre of Excellence.
Fisheries monitoring programme
In total 127 fish surveys were conducted this year.
The programme comprises 52 sites on the Exe, 11
on the Lyn and 64 annual sites on the Avon, Axe,
Dart, Erme, Taw, Teign and Torridge.
Data is currently being collated and results should
be available in December. We have also
completed the annual Transitional and Coastal
Waters (TraC) monitoring survey on the
Taw/Torridge estuary. This required five sites
within the estuary to be netted. The fish are
identified, measured and counted. Over the past
three years a total of 15 different species of fish
have been recorded during this operation.
Under the new Aquatic Animal Health Directive all
fisheries that wish to stock or remove fish must
now be registered with the Centre for Environment,
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS).
Despite an awareness campaign many fisheries
are still applying for Section 30 consent without
being registered and this is causing a delay in
their application. The registration process requires
a named person to be responsible for the fishery
and all stocking activity at the site. It also requires
that all fish species present are recorded. This has
revealed a number of fisheries holding species
restricted under the Import of Live Fish Act without
the necessary licences.
Angling participation events
Good weather helped another good year of events.
There was greater interest than in previous years,
especially the game angling sessions at Kennick
reservoir. Exeter & District Angling Association and
Newton Abbot Fisheries Association both ran
evening junior teaching sessions which were well
attended. Clubs also got involved with local
schools' activity weeks and with running sessions
for people with learning difficulties.
Other news
Coarse fish seminar
A seminar is planned for 14 November at Exeter
University. Topics covered will include the new
Live Fish movement process, stocking barbel to
stillwaters, fisheries management techniques and
using invertebrates as an indicator of good water
quality. All stillwater coarse fishery owners and
clubs are welcome to attend. There is no charge
for the seminar and lunch and refreshments will
be provided. Anyone wanting to attend should
contact Chris Carter on 01392 316 182 before
31 October to book a place.

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Wessex Blandford Fisheries Report

Submitted by Mandi on December 2, 2009 - 2:43pm

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Wessex Blandford Fisheries Report

We are continuing work with Bournemouth and
West Hants Water Company on the Christchurch
Enforcement Partnership. We also want to increase
enforcement in Poole Harbour by working in
partnership with other enforcement agencies and
using new surveillance technology.
We are investigating the illegal introduction of
wels catfish into a lake at Ringwood. Resolution of
the issue is likely to be difficult and we will be
working closely with the angling club.
Monitoring and data
Salmon on the River Avon
The spring salmon run on the Hampshire Avon was
similar to last year, with numbers being down on
the two years prior to that.
River Avon fish counter
A good number of grilse and sea trout arrived in
mid August and passed through the Turbine House
fish pass. We’re hoping for a good run of fish
when the autumn rains arrive. All hatches on the
Great Weir will be covered and will provide a more
accurate count for higher flow years. See
www.knappmill.co.uk for more information.
River Frome salmonid habitats
Works are currently underway to improve salmonid
habitats on the River Frome and the passage of
migratory salmonids on the River Asker and River
Cerne. Eel passage is also being improved on the
River Piddle. These projects are aimed at resolving
issues raised by the Water Framework Directive
and have been funded by Defra .
East Stoke - River Frome
The Environment Agency has been working closely
with the scientists in the fish labs at East Stoke
and is supporting salmonid science work at the
Reducing diffuse pollution on the River Till
Diffuse pollution running into the River Till was
affecting fisheries and the condition of the Site of
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). We intercepted
the pathway of pollution to the river. Natural
England hope that the project will help to address
this problem in 35 hectares of the River Till SSSI.
This partnership involved landowners, Natural
England, the Wiltshire Council and the
Environment Agency.
Whitemill fisheries enhancement
We have teamed up with the National Trust and
completed works on the River Stour at Whitemill to
increase coarse fish flood refuge areas. These had
been identified as limiting fish stocks in this area.
This is phase one of the project with further works
planned for 2010.
Loud’s Mill Frome
Through monitoring at Louds Mill on the River
Frome we've shown the effectiveness of the
Larinier fish pass. Most of the tagged trout and
grayling ascended the pass within a few days.
Tagged salmon will continue to be monitored
during the autumn.
Managing River Avon water temperature
Higher temperatures in the River Avon are
adversely affecting salmon populations. Human
activity across the catchment is believed to be
influencing the temperature of the river. We are
working to establish ways to reduce the
temperature in the River Avon and to identify by
how much.
For general
Wessex Chalk Streams Project
We will be working with riparian landowners and
managers to promote wildlife-friendly river
enhancement and management of the River Avon
SSSI in Wiltshire, which includes the tributaries,
Wylye, Nadder, Till, and Bourne. It also focuses on
the River Ebble and associated wetlands as well
as areas suitable for wetland restoration.
Gravel cleaning
Gravel cleaning work on the spawning gravels on
the Hampshire Avon and River Frome is underway
and nearing conclusion.
Angling participation events
We've contributed £6,000 to partners who have
run many successful coaching events. Partners
have included Christchurch Angling club, Moors
Valley Country Park and Wessex Angling Scheme.
Coarse fish seminar
A successful coarse fish seminar was held by
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust at Langford Lakes. The
seminar included presentations on fish disease,
new legislation and partnership working. Funding
is still available for small coarse fisheries projects.
Interested parties should apply to D-J Gent in the
Blandford office by email: dj.gent@environmentagency.

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Wessex Bridgwater Fisheries Report

Submitted by Mandi on December 2, 2009 - 11:22am

Environment Agency - 2009 RFERAC Wessex Bridgwater Fisheries Report

Using new technology on the Huntspill we’re trying
to count eels leaving to go to sea and spawn. The
dual-frequency identification sonar (DIDSON) is
capable of recording high-resolution footage from
within the river. The EU's Eel Directive says we
must allow at least 40% of the silver eels, that
would occur in the absence of man’s influences,
to escape to the sea. It’s been possible to
produce a count of eel movements and to produce
a model to measure the net biomass of eel
The eel passes at Oath Lock (River Parrett) and
Greylake Sluice (King’s Sedgemoor Drain) continue
to yield good images on CCTV. The two Greylake
eel passes recorded 42,000 ascending eels last
year and 36,000 to date this year. They are now
seen as significant monitoring sites within Europe.
At Walrow Ponds, Highbridge, the club has put in
floating islands to provide refuge for fish with
spawning substrate. The islands also help to deter
anglers from casting towards residents’ gardens.
Up to 15 more eel passes (designed by Andy Don)
are being installed on tilting weirs throughout
Somerset contributing to the Eel Management Plan
and Water Framework Directive actions.
Fish kill response
Water quality monitoring stations are being
installed on the River Yeo and River Parrett in
Somerset to give early warning of water quality
problems. Fish kills on rivers and drains across the
Somerset Levels are associated with low oxygen
levels, algal blooms and floodwater.
The stations will automatically monitor dissolved
oxygen levels. Five sites have been identified as
part of a £45,000 pilot project. The equipment will
also help identify long term trends and changes in
the river environment. Data from each site is
sent to the Environment Agency at Bridgwater
where the data can be monitored around the
clock to allow an immediate response to a sudden
drop in oxygen levels. The project has started with
the most vulnerable sites where fish have been
killed in the past. If successful, the plan is to
create a network of sites across the Somerset
Wessex enforcement
The River Parrett elver fishery has around 150
licensed fishermen. Bailiffs seized 69 nets this
year, of which 25 were vastly oversized flow nets.
Angling participation events
Several angling participation events were held
over the summer resulting in the coaching of over
1,500 anglers. Events included one in Eastville,
Bristol and one in Bridgwater Docks at the
Somerset Water Festival.
A new angling club at a Leonard Cheshire home
near Bath has been supported with equipment
and fishing tackle.
In July, a Trout in the Classroom project culminated
in the release of brown trout fingerlings into the
North Petherton stream near Bridgwater. Both the
infant and the junior school raised trout from eggs
to fingerlings and released them into the local
Witch Lodge Lake, near Taunton, was officially
reopened having had dam repairs, de-silting and
new access created as part of an Environment
Agency supported Heritage Lottery project carried
out with the Forestry Commission.
We have at least 15 cases pending prosecution
and three guilty pleas have already been heard.
One case was for the use of an illegal flow net and
two related to dip nets being used in an illegal
way. All three cases have seen significant fines
but also the court has banned each of the
fishermen from holding a licence for three years.
Invasive weeds
Environment Agency staff have found that two
invasive weeds are now present in the King's
Sedgemoor Drain: water hyacinth (Eichhnoria
crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes).
Both of these are free-floating plants which can
have detrimental effects on native flora and fauna.
Please contact the Bridgwater office on 01278
484786 if you see any of these plants.

England Get The 'AMMO'

Submitted by Mandi on October 30, 2009 - 10:30am




     ENGLAND GET THE ‘AMMO’                       


The England Boat Squad received a huge boost to their 2010 World and HomeNations campaign in the shape of sponsorship funding for their recent squad weekend held on the 17th and 18th of October 2009, from the leaders in quality frozen baits, the ‘Ammodytes’ Company (www.ammodytes.co.uk).

The two day annual event out of Weymouth brought together the current 2009 Squad members plus a selection of ‘in form’ up-and-coming rookies seeking to measure up their skills to those required of boat match angling at this level.

Two groups set out each day comprising current World Team anglers and World Prospects on ‘Flamer’, and the current Home Nations Team, squad members and rookies on ‘Lady Godiva’. Angling Trust’s Jim Whippy and Ray Ashby, both with a wealth of World Championship and Home Nations experience under their belts, oversaw proceedings. England Selector Brian Owen also ran his eye over the 2010 Team contenders ahead of the team selection meeting in January.

Day one saw anglers being organised into teams and preparing for a full blown team competition on day two. Team ‘Baron’ won the Sunday match, the winning team anglers being Ray Baron, Gary Galbraith, Paul Hart, Bobby King and Steve Clements. ‘Best newcomer’ was awarded to Dave Mann. Over fifteen species were caught and released over the two days including cod, conger, rays, huss, bream, pollack, wrasse, garfish, gurnard, pout, smoothhound, scad, dogfish and whiting.

This was an Ammo bait supplied event with each Squad Member having a set supply of bait, only supplemented by Mackerel caught afloat. The combination of top bait and the country’s top anglers resulted in two tremendous days afloat and will provide the selectors with the unenviable task of selecting the two teams for next year’s events. Ian and Michelle from the Ammodytes Company joined the teams during the weekend to endorse their personal support for the England Squad, support which will hopefully provide a successful base for the England Team’s 2010 Championships campaign.

Ray Ashby, England Home Boat Manager said: “We are very grateful for the support of the Ammodytes Company for this important training and pre-selection event. The backing of the trade is essential for our England teams in all disciplines to take a professional approach to competing for their country.”
Angling Trust


The Angling Trust is now the single organisation representing all game, coarse and sea anglers in England. We lobby government, campaign on environmental and angling issues and run national and international angling competitions. We fight pollution, commercial over-fishing at sea, over-abstraction, poaching, unlawful navigation, local bans and a host of other threats to angling. The Angling Trust has been formed from an historic merger of six angling and conservation organisations in January 2009. Other bodies, including the Angling Development Board, will merge with the Angling Trust in 2009.


• Promotes the benefits of angling for the environment and individuals
• Supports angling and angling interests
• Campaigns for anglers and the environment
• Protects our waterways and marine environment
• Lobbies government and agencies on behalf of angling interests
• Delivers real benefits for anglers in the UK
For further information about The Angling Trust go to www.anglingtrust.net

Fire Services Sports Association 2009 Angling Event

Submitted by Mandi on October 26, 2009 - 12:01pm





The competition was held was held over six days from Saturday 26th September to Friday 2nd October with most anglers arriving on the Saturday and Sunday from brigades throughout Britain. The most travelled coming from Strathclyde and were accommodated at Littlesea Holiday Park in Weymouth.

The event consisted of one day shore fishing and one day boat fishing with free days in between leaving the anglers to their own devices. The shore fishing was held on Monday 28th on Chesil Beach at Abbotsbury from 1600hrs to 2200hrs, 48 anglers taking part in lovely calm moonlight conditions resulting in 3010 fish being caught. On Wednesday the boat fishing was held with anglers assembling on Weymouth Quay at 0730 boarding some of Weymouth’s excellent charter boats. The fishing started at 0800 and the day ended in again some excellent fishing with 1771 fish being caught. As the Fire Services employ a conservation policy most fish except exceptional food fish are returned to the water, the result of both competitions being decided on a previously agreed points system.

The successful teams were for the Beach fishing:

1st  Southern Counties
2nd  London
3rd  Humberside   

For the Boat:   
1st London
2nd Southern Counties
3rd Humberside
J. Havercroft from Humberside was individual champion 

 A big thank you to all who took part and to all the sponsers who supported the event.

The Avon Roach Project 2009

Submitted by Mandi on October 12, 2009 - 2:26pm


The Avon Roach Project  2009                                                                      Spawning to Burgate


The roach has played a huge role in the history of the Hampshire Avon.  The chance of a 2lb or indeed a 3lb specimen has drawn anglers from far and wide to cast a line in an attempt to emulate their boyhood heroes. Famous names such as F.W.K. Wallis, L.A. Parker, Dick Walker, Bernard Venables and Peter Stone had all, at some point in their lives, watched a float glide between the ranunculus beds, and through the likely looking lair of an Avon Redfin.

We, as a species, find it difficult to cross over or indeed pass by a watercourse without feeling the urge to stare into the depths; the hunter gatherer instinct within us all too strong to allow it. For the roach fisher that urge is tenfold. He is beset by a desire not just to see and watch, but to hold and feel.To join them in their watery world and ultimately to have them join him in his, where at vivid close hand he can admire their brilliance of colour and perfection of form. 

But, what happens when what we expect to see is no longer there?  What happens when those familiar shapes are no longer apparent and ones float has completed its journey down stream and back again for the umpteenth time to no avail?  What do we do when the sense of despair at their absence fades and the decay of acceptance creeps in?

The sad fact is that the indifferent attitude, with which angling is blighted, causes most of us to seek pastures anew. To turn our backs on those much loved rivers, swims and fishes and go elsewhere in pursuit of what those former haunts lacked.The problem is that sooner or later, that somewhere else will no longer exist and we shall all be consigned to the landfill sites we call carp puddles.

So when the 2005 Environment Agency fish stock survey of the Hampshire Avon showed a paucity of roach in her middle reaches, it planted a seed of determination in the fertile minds of two anglers. Like many of their brethren they too hankered over the rivers nostalgic past. However, unlike the others, they were unwilling to accept defeat quite so easily and The Avon Roach Project came to be.                     At 5 weeks old       

Please read our story so far at www.avonroachproject.co.uk

Environment Agency News Release 2009 'Get Hooked'

Submitted by Mandi on October 7, 2009 - 10:22am



Bumper new ‘Get Hooked’ guide for South West anglers                                                    April 6th 2009

We want more people to go fishing, more often, and in more places..

A bumper new full-colour 228 page angling guide will help us to achieve this.It’s now available for game, coarse and sea fishing enthusiasts who live in or who are visiting the south west.The guide includes help with tuition and details of angling facilities for the disabled and is also available on the internet atwww.gethooked.co.uk
The ‘Get Hooked! Guide to Angling in South West England’ is the latest result of the partnership between the Environment Agency and Diamond Publications Ltd based in Devon.The guide, now in its 16th edition, covers 2009 and 2010 and gives comprehensive details of more than 900 fishing locations in the south west.

We’re making sure all south west's 2008 rod licence holders have free access to the guide. Anglers who purchased a rod licence online will be sent a free link to the excellent website at www.gethooked.co.uk where you can find all the information you need to help you enjoy more fishing.  It’s got all of the individual fisheries in a searchable format with map locations, plus all the Environment Agency regional byelaws.The website is updated regularly so that it gives the latest information. Other 2008 south west licence holders will have been sent a FREE paper copy of the guide in early April – share the guide with your friends and take someone fishing in 2009!

The guide is a one-stop-shop for fishing enthusiasts, with details of where to fish, types of water, species of fish and charges, as well as tackle shops and accommodation.There are also interesting articles extolling the benefits of fishing in the West Country and details of the new angler’s voice, the Angling Trust – join up now!
‘Get Hooked just gets better and better. We’re sure that this will give a real boost to angling in the region. There’s something for everyone, local or tourist, beginner or expert. It’s packed with invaluable information on the south west’s wide variety of excellent fishing’ said Martin Williams for the Environment Agency. ‘One great example is the Angling Passport scheme run by Westcountry Rivers Trust which allows anglers to fish for wild trout in many new, exciting and previously un-fished areas’. But whatever you want to fish for, be it barbel, carp, salmon, roach or bass – this is the guide for you.

Graham Sleeman of Diamond Publications and editor of Get Hooked said, ‘We’re very pleased to produce another edition of this definitive guide. The quality of information is superb and it is a ‘must have’ for resident or visiting anglers.  People thinking of taking up the sport will also find the guide invaluable.There’s information on how to find ‘learn to fish’ events and a tuition feature which highlights organisations and individuals who will provide equipment and advice on game, coarse and sea fishing.’

You can buy the Get Hooked guide for £4.99 from Tourist Information Centres, tackle shops and book shops or order it online at www.environment-agency.gov.uk/wheretofish or by ringing the Environment Agency on 08708 506 506.

The ISBN number is 978-0-9549175-3-1

Notes to Editors - Covering Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, most of Wiltshire and a small part of Hampshire, this guide contains 228 A5 pages and costs just £4.99.

Angling Trust and WWF launch campaign to protect rivers under threat

Submitted by Mandi on September 24, 2009 - 3:12pm




  ****** Thursday 24 September 2009 ********

 Angling Trust and WWF launch campaign to protect rivers under threat

In response to Tuesday’s report from the Environment Agency (EA) regarding the ecological status of water bodies in England and Wales, WWF and the Angling Trust have launched a joint campaign to restore and conserve a number of rivers in the UK that are under threat from pollution, over-abstraction and habitat damage.

As part of the HSBC Climate Partnership, WWF and the Angling Trust will implement a total of eight campaigns in as many months that call for clear and immediate action on specific local problems to restore and conserve the biodiversity and fisheries of these rivers. These local campaigns will also be used as case studies nationally to highlight the widespread nature of threats to our rivers.
The first of these campaigns will focus on the River Tame and middle Trent catchment. Parts of the Trent have been identified as being amongst the lowest quality rivers in Europe, according to the EA report. The campaign was launched on Tuesday, with coverage on BBC Breakfast News: Click here to watch the interview in full

The Angling Trust had already begun research on this river after identifying that urban run off was a key factor in its degradation. Then in June 2009, more than 1000 fish were killed as a result of increased urban run off following some severe storms over Birmingham.  With climate change scenarios predicting a more unstable weather pattern, which will see an increase in storms and flooding, it is essential for the security of the River Trent, its wildlife, the local communities and the angling clubs that the issue of urban runoff is addressed by the local councils immediately.

Mark Owen, Environmental Campaigns Manager at the Angling Trust, who will be leading on these campaigns, said: “Our focus for this catchment is to ensure that we have an effective Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) in place to reduce the risk of urban run off in the face of a changing and unstable climate. Pollution from urban run-off, such as Birmingham, is a major problem in many English rivers. However, if pollution is properly managed, then we can create attractive and useful havens for wildlife and angling which will reduce the speed and quantity of run-off from the vast paved areas in urban areas.”

The Angling Trust and WWF will focus on bringing together the two councils which suffer the brunt of the pollution, Tamworth and Burton, with Birmingham City Council to develop solutions to the issue, focusing on an improved SUDs policy in Birmingham. This plan will also need to take into account the potential increases in population, due to the planned development of half a million more homes by 2026 in the region, which will add additional urban run-off and sewage. Much can be achieved by improving the design of new developments to allow surface water to soak away and be stored in small scale storage areas.

WWF’s Policy and Programme Manager for Freshwater, Rose Timlett, commented on the EA report; “The confirmation that over 74% of our rivers currently fall below the ‘good ecological status’ line, is a wake-up call to the government that the time to act is now. These rivers are our water supply and they are the lifeblood for an abundance of wildlife. Anglers are the eyes and ears of our waterways and the Angling Trust’s involvement in the protection of UK Rivers is therefore imperative to securing a healthy future for them”.

The joint partnership between the Angling Trust and WWF, supported by HSBC, will campaign to get local councils, the government, the Environment Agency and farmers to make the necessary changes to secure the health of our waterways.

The eight campaigns will focus on keys issues such as over abstraction, urban and agricultural diffuse pollution, barriers to fish migration and hydropower installations.
Anglers can get involved by adopting a river and writing a letter to their MPs from the Our Rivers website (www.ourrivers.org) encouraging the Environment Agency to show much greater ambition in the River Basin Management Plans. There will also be various community events organised by local angling groups for local residents and anglers to get hands on in the conservation of their local rivers such as clean-up days.

Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust said: “the Angling Trust will be writing to all its member clubs and riparian owners asking for suitable candidate campaigns. Anglers have, for generations, done more than any other group to campaign for and implement improvements to our rivers. We know what the problems are and our great numbers can help persuade politicians that action should be taken to address them. By teaming up with the largest environmental charities in the country, we have been able to broaden the base of support for implementing these solutions.”

• Promotes the benefits of angling for the environment and individuals
• Supports angling and angling interests
• Campaigns for anglers and the environment
• Protects our waterways and marine environment
• Lobbies government and agencies on behalf of angling interests
• Delivers real benefits for anglers in the UK

For further information about The Angling Trust go to www.anglingtrust.net

Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust " Wild Salmon Appeal "

Submitted by Mandi on July 21, 2009 - 11:35am

  Chalk Stream Research Could Unravel Atlantic Salmon Declines Globally

Atlantic salmon have suffered a massive 70 per cent decline in the past 30 years and there is now an international effort in place to provide effective conservation and restoration of the species.
For over 30 years the River Frome in Dorset, once famed for its 30lb salmon, has been providing some of the best evidence of the Atlantic salmon decline in our rivers across the country. The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust has recently taken over one of the country‟s leading salmon and sea trout research centres based on the Frome at East Stoke (until recently, the fisheries research based on the river was run by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology).

The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust‟s salmon and trout research centre is directly involved in the international effort to research wild salmon declines and their causes and the entire river catchment has been transformed into an impressive natural river laboratory. To date, this research facility, which comprises the most technically advanced scientific monitoring equipment of any river in the country has collected nearly 40 years of data, which will have an important input in the future management of adult salmon.
Over that period a large amount of monitoring equipment has been installed making it the most instrumented natural river laboratory in Europe.
Despite the ongoing international conservation efforts to reduce over fishing at sea we lack the scientific evidence for managing our rivers better. We desperately need to identify which environmental conditions the fish experience in fresh water rivers best prepare them for their survival at sea. To reverse the 70% decline in returning salmon numbers over the last 20 years, and to see more 30lb salmon returning to our rivers, we urgently need to unlock these secrets.
Dr Anton Ibbotson who heads the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust‟s research centre at East Stoke, said, “Over the last ten years we have developed specialist techniques for tagging individual fish to work alongside state-of-the-art fish counting, monitoring and tag detection equipment installed on the River Frome.“We have individually tagged 50,000 salmon parr in the last four years, which could now be distributed anywhere between the River Frome and the icy waters of Greenland. Once they start returning to the river over the next few years we will be able to monitor their arrival and help build up a picture of why some fish have survived in the sea and why others have not. This will help manage salmon populations in the future.”   

A unique feature of the catchment-based laboratory is the 'hands off' automatic electronic smolt counter which counts the delicate juvenile salmon and sea trout as they migrate to sea. The use of Passive Integrated Transmitter (PIT) tag technology enables the scientists to study large numbers of individual fish in order to better understand the factors that influence the life history, survival and migratory patterns of both salmon and sea trout. This facility is not replicated anywhere else in the UK and has far less damaging affect on the fish than using traps or other interception devices.
Dr Ibbotson explains the implications of this research, “This natural laboratory will enable us to answer many of the really important questions about salmon and sea trout stocks that would be difficult to answer elsewhere. A really good example of this is how the environmental conditions the fish experience in freshwater affects their survival in the sea. Too often, we see marine and freshwater sources of mortality as independent, but now we can follow large numbers of individual fish from their early freshwater life -stages through to maturation and spawning.”
Dr Nick Sotherton, the Trust‟s director of research, said, “This is one of the best equipped rivers for salmon and sea trout research in Europe and the research is relevant to every salmon fisherman in the country, whether he or she fishes the Spey or the Test. Working on this influential research laboratory, which has international and national standing is a considerable boost to our existing brown trout research programme and we believe it will save dramatic implications for international salmon research.”

The next stage of research for their survival

The initial conservation focus was to reduce over-fishing of salmon at sea and there is little more that can now be done. We must now focus research effort on ensuring that the freshwater habitat produces salmon that have the best chance of survival at sea. This huge natural laboratory on the River Frome is of both national and international importance – we can study, fish by fish, entire populations of migrating salmon using its unique „hands off ‟ monitoring equipment. The results will teach us how to best manage our rivers to produce more fish that will survive at sea and return to spawn.

Critical questions for the future

A great deal is known about salmon in the Atlantic - they adopt a silver coat to help evade sea predators; they must adapt internally and externally to survive the icy cold salt water; they can swim up to 100 miles a day during their 4,000 mile migration. But we know so very little about
what can be done to improve the freshwater habitat to produce salmon that have the best chance of survival on their epic journey. Is it down to the size of a salmon when it runs to sea? Is it the time of year when it chooses to migrate? Do autumn migrating fish have higher survival rates? Is it far more complicated environmental issues such as climate change, water or air temperature, river flows or rainfall patterns? Are the conditions experienced in the freshwater river affecting the number of years a salmon spends at sea? The longer at sea, the bigger the fish - every salmon fisherman wants to see more 30lb salmon in our rivers!
The River Frome and its monitoring equipment will allow us to find the answers to these questions by conducting experiments that, quite simply, could not have been done before.

Your help is crucial for wild salmon

The Trust has an enviable track record in the conservation of game and wildlife. In the coming years, this work on the River Frome will make a vital international contribution to our knowledge of the factors that affect the health of salmon populations in our rivers. The Trust would therefore like the support of anyone interesting in the conservation of salmon to fund this important research. Your support will have a direct impact on the quality of scientific input to our endeavours to increase wild salmon stocks for future generations.

Why the Trust need extra funds

  • The opportunity to save the huge data and knowledge bank waiting to be harnessed from 50,000 fish already tagged.
  • The opportunity to continue the crucial long-term monitoring research programme.
  • The opportunity of building on decades of goodwill built up with landowners adjacent to the River Frome and their huge co-operation.
  • To try and answer these questions in the future we would risk having to raise funds to build a whole new facility - many times more than the funding support required now to keep the existing site running.
  • The opportunity for the Trust‟s science to contribute to the international recovery of salmon numbers would be delayed indefinitely, a source of significant concern for game fishing enthusiasts.
  • To summarise, the opportunity to contribute to the recovery of this key game species, the king of fishes, is unprecedented and deserves to be supported.


Atlantic Salmon Trust “It is now vital to understand and influence conditions in our rivers and inland waterways. We are supporting the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust because it can be entrusted to produce the science that will help rebuild thepopulation of this species.” Tony Andrews Director

Salmon & Trout Association “We thoroughly endorse and are supporting this research now being carried out by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. Finding out how to reverse the alarming decline in salmon numbers will help to ensure the future for game fishing.” Paul Knight Chief Executive


Fish Legal

Submitted by Mandi on July 10, 2009 - 2:19pm




Fish Legal (previously known as the Anglers' Conservation Association, founded in 1948) was set up to protect all coastal and inland waters in the United Kingdom from pollution and other damage. Water pollution, over-abstraction and habitat damage kills hundreds of thousands of fish each year, leaving a huge impact on aquatic ecosystems and local economies, not to mention the enjoyment of all kinds of anglers. Fish Legal aims to stop this damage happening and fights for compensation for our members when it does.

We are usually fighting around 60 legal cases on behalf of our members at any one time. We make polluters pay hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation every year and secure injunctions to stop further damage.  We can only do this with your support. If you care about the health of our rivers, seas, canals and lakes, then please support our work as an individual member. If you own or lease fishing rights of any sort, as a private individual, fishery owner or angling club, then you should join to benefit from our unique legal protection.

In England, we have entered into a partnership with Angling Trust, the new governing body for all angling and you can join Fish Legal only by joining the Angling Trust first.

If you live, or your club or fishery is based in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, then you can join Fish Legal by calling 01568 620447 or visit out our website  www.fishlegal.net

Please support our work. We can only make polluters pay with your backing.

Salmon & Trout Association Westcountry Contacts

Submitted by Mandi on July 10, 2009 - 2:03pm


Game anglers influencing national decision makers over the management and protection of salmon, trout and sea trout, the conservation of water and the diverse environments upon which all aquatic life depends.

Cornwall Branch
Mr A G Hawken
Tel: 01208 75513
Email: [email protected]
North Devon Branch
Lt Col J D V Michie
Tel: 01837 871156
Email: [email protected]
South & East Devon & Tamar Branch
Mr N Reynolds
Tel: 01237 861675
Email: [email protected]
Somerset Branch
Mrs S Pizii
Tel: 01823 480 719
Email: [email protected]
Bristol & West Branch
Mr R Buckland
Tel: 01225 760465
Email: [email protected]
Hampshire Branch
Mr E P Morgan
Tel: 01730 263843
Email: [email protected]
West Sussex Branch
Mr B Burbridge
Tel: 01903 873878
[email protected]
Wessex Branch
Mr D Griffiths
Tel: 01747 871695
Email: [email protected]

Membership from just £2.50 per month!

For further S&TA information
Tel: 0207 283 5838
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.salmon-trout.org

Quick Tips from The Salmon & Trout Association

Submitted by Mandi on July 10, 2009 - 12:32pm






Whether fishing from a boat or a bank, take care you don’t leave lines and leaders behind.  They can be a danger to wildlife - as well as an eyesore!

The money from your rod licence is re-invested by the EA in caring for the waters you fish.  Always ensure you have one!

Always wear glasses when you fish to protect your eyes:  many anglers have lost their sight or had their eyes permanently damaged by mis-cast flies.

It’s a good idea to have an extra bottle of fresh water handy and a tube of sunscreen when fishing during hot summer months.

Bank etiquette ensures you and other anglers on the same stretch or beat enjoy the day.  Don’t hog a “hot spot” all afternoon;  wait until an angler has cast his line before passing -  and always pass behind him.

Are your car keys safe?  The last thing you want is for them to fall out of your pocket and into the water as you lean over to net your fish!  Make sure they are secure – a zipped pocket is ideal.

Dry fly only?  Or is nymphing allowed?  Different waters have different rules - be sure you know them before you fish.

Anglers are our waterways’ eyes and ears.   Please always report anything untoward that you see – such as antisocial behaviour  or farm animals churning the river bank.

AMI - the Anglers’ Monitoring Initiative - runs courses on how to monitor the flylife on your river.  Interested?  
More information: www.riverflies.org.

West Country Rivers Trust

Submitted by Mandi on July 10, 2009 - 12:07pm

The Westcountry Rivers Trust is an environmental charity, established in 1995 to secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of the rivers and streams in the Westcountry, and advance the education of the public in the management of water.

The Trust was formed by a group of passionate conservationists who recognised that the integrity of our rivers and their fisheries was diminishing.  This group carefully chose a range of strategically important partners who helped develop the initial modus operandi, provided technical back-up, and promoted the importance of the Ecosystem Approach.  The partners also, importantly, helped develop a dedicated agricultural team which allowed the Trust to offer win-win solutions to long term problems, resulting in environmental gain and economic benefit for the farmer.  Over the next few years, the Trust delivered its first major project, Tamar 2000 which is still held up today as the pathfinder for what many regard as the best solution for dealing with diffuse pollution.

Since then, the Trust has evolved and moved on, though staying at all times true to its philosophy of “Think Global, Act Local”. Over the decade it has been in existence, the Trust has worked closely with over 2000 farmers and landowners across nearly 20 Westcountry catchments and has delivered many social, economic and environmental outputs including: 1400+ Integrated Land & River Management Plans; over 250 miles of river restored; 200 km+ vulnerable riverbank restored; 20+ wetlands restored; 100+ buffer zones created; 400+ sites of accelerated erosion controlled and 35 demonstration sites developed and operational.

The Trust continues to deliver strategic fisheries projects in partnership with the Environment Agency, Natural England, South West Rivers Association, AONB’s, National Parks, land managers and angling clubs and associations.  The team carry out a wide range of work including: river habitat and fish population surveys; addressing migratory barriers; instream habitat improvement such as gravel cleaning; bankside habitat restoration and protection through fencing and coppicing; and enhancing salmonid spawning and juvenile habitats in impacted river reaches. In recent years, the WRT has also been involved with a number of EU partnerships which have helped develop new and innovative approaches to address the decline in European eel, develop sustainable angling tourism management, as well as the groundbreaking Atlantic Salmon Arc Project, which developed a genetic database of salmon from Portugal to Scotland in order to improve the management of sea net fisheries for conservation of stocks and abundance.

The ‘Westcountry Angling Passport’

On the back of WRT’s early catchment restoration projects, an angling marketing initiative, called Angling 2000, was launched in order to deliver two main ambitions - the first was to provide anglers with a wide choice of reasonably priced wild fishing in fantastic Westcountry surroundings and the second was to provide farmers and riparian owners with an income to protect and enhance these watery delights.

This angling initiative has been a huge success and the Westcountry Angling Passport now builds on this success whilst expanding the range of angling opportunities in the region.  Whether you enjoy stream, river or lake fishing there is a vast choice of excellent fishing to choose from and all set within a unique and beautiful natural environment. Anglers using the Westcountry Angling Passport can also feel good in the knowledge that revenue generated through their fishing goes back into managing these rivers for the benefit of our fish stocks and future generations.

Two exciting ways to go fishing...

The Westcountry Angling Passport is operated on a ‘token’ and ‘bookable day-ticket’ basis.  The Token System is a sheer delight for the roving angler; instead of having to buy a separate ticket for each participating fishery, anglers can buy a book of tokens which gives them access to any of the fisheries, when they want and without the need to contact anyone beforehand.  Anglers simply buy a book of tokens, use the angling brochure or website to decide which of the fisheries they want to go to, and hey presto - get fishing!  

Angling tokens cost £2.50 each and come in three parts - the first part is posted in a marked letterbox located close to the fishery, at the start of the day’s fishing.  The second part is a catch return to be posted in the same letterbox at the end of the day’s fishing and the final part is the angler’s record.  The fisheries are rated according to their quality, ‘fishability’ and species of fish. Fishing costs range from 2 to 5 tokens a day (£5 to £12.50) making it extremely good value fishing!  The tokens are supplied as books of either 5 or 10 and are available for use over a fishing season.

For those wishing to try their luck at some of the finest stillwaters in the country, the angling tokens can be redeemed against a day’s fishing at the following South West Lakes Trust, trout fisheries; Kennick, Wimbleball, Siblyback, Stithians, Wistlandpound, Roadford, Colliford and Fernworthy.  Whether you enjoy bank or boat fishing, are a novice or seasoned angler, prefer stocked or wild fisheries, these lakes provide fantastic sport in some of the region’s most beautiful surroundings.

The Booking Office is an exciting development through which anglers can reserve fishing for salmon, sea trout, brown trout and grayling on some the region's finest rivers.  Anglers can use the website or information sheets to view these fisheries and bookings can be made via our ‘online service’ or by calling the office.  Once a booking has been made, the angler will automatically receive maps & directions by email or post.  We can also advise on local guides who can help you unlock the secrets to having successful day out on the river, point you in the direction of local hotels or B&B accommodation as well as providing other help and advice to make your trip as memorable an experience as possible.

If you are an angler or fishery owner who would like to know more about the Westcountry Angling Passport or would like to be a part of it, we would like to hear from you.  

Making the most out of angling for the region...

The Trust is part of a new partnership project, Collabor8, which has been awarded funding from the EU Interreg 4B North West Europe programme. WRT will be developing and expanding the Westcountry Angling Passport as a sustainable, regional, angling development and marketing scheme as well as seeking, with SW Tourism and partners, to develop clusters of angling providers and associated rural businesses in order to facilitate rural tourism. The Trust will also be working closely with a number of public and private sector organisations including the Environment Agency, South West Lakes Trust, South West Regional Devel­opment Agency and Get Hooked to maximize the success of the project and promote the region widely.

The Interreg 4B programme helps organisations from across Europe to work in partnership on common projects, learn from each other’s experiences and then put those lessons into practice. The Collabor8 project links nine initiatives from across NW Europe. The partners involved alongside WRT include Brecon Beacons National Park Authority, Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and South Downs Joint Committee from the UK, together with partners from Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands.

As part of Collabor8 we will be working closely with accommodation providers, pubs, restaurants, local food producers and other rural businesses who would like to forge greater links to angling as a means of developing their businesses and increasing profitability.  So if there are any businesses who would like to discuss these opportunities please get in touch with us.
To sign up to the Westcountry Angling Passport and receive a free angling brochure detailing Token and Booking Office fisheries or to Book your day tickets / purchase Tokens please go to www.westcountryangling.com  Alternatively you can telephone or call in to the Trust office in Stoke Climsland (9am - 5pm). Angling brochures and Tokens are also available from a number of registered outlets in Devon and Cornwall (see website or brochure for details).

Contact details for the Trust:

Dr Dylan Bright - Director
Westcountry Rivers Trust, Rain-Charm House, Kyl Cober Parc, Stoke Climsland, Callington, Cornwall  PL17 8PH. Tel: 01579 372140
Email: [email protected]

Contact details for the Westcountry Angling Passport:

and for angling enquiries please email:
[email protected]
Toby Russell at the Westcountry Rivers Trust.
Tel: 01579 372145
Email: [email protected]



