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Coronavirus Statements & Fishing Updates from Angling Trust - March 2020 onwards
We must all work together to fight this pandemic. Therefore until further notice we should all refrain from fishing and follow current Govement advice. This is about saving lives and supporting the NHS.
CORVID-19 Support Hub Information from Angling Trust
Support for Angling Businesses due to COVID-19 Disruption - 19th March 2020
Angling Trust - Fish 'O' Mania and other Competitions - 18th March 2020
Statement from the Angling Trust regarding Coronavirus and Angling below: ( 18th March 2020)
Following the government’s decision yesterday to escalate the response to the coronavirus outbreak from the ‘contain’ to the ‘delay’ phase the Angling Trust, as the National Governing Body for all forms of recreational fishing, is issuing formal advice and guidance to staff, volunteers and anglers.
Angling Trust Chief Executive Jamie Cook said:
“Like many organisations, we’re closely monitoring the risks associated with coronavirus. The most important thing is for us to take care of our employees, volunteers and teams and not to do anything that puts us - or those around us - at risk.
This means:
- Every angler should be following NHS and Public Health England advice on hand washing and other hygiene measures, as well as how to recognise the symptoms of and what to do if you suspect you have the coronavirus or have been in contact with someone who has.
- For events we organise, such as regional forums, conferences and workshops, we will consider on a case by case basis whether these can be postponed and advise those affected as soon as possible.
- We will review our attendance at large indoor events, such as trade shows, in line with Government advice.
- For our employees, we will be assessing, where appropriate, whether they can carry out their role by working from home - in addition we’ll also be using our video conferencing technology to take part in both internal and external meetings remotely.
- We strongly advise clubs and other angling organisations on the same basis - if it is possible to postpone meetings, such as AGMs, you should consider doing so to help with containment and for the wellbeing of your members.
I urge everyone involved in our sport to regularly keep up to speed with government advice on the virus here.”
Jamie added:
“Where appropriate, anglers should carry on fishing and encourage others to do so. Angling gets people out into the fresh air and away from crowded, indoor situations where infections are more likely to spread. However, we need to be vigilant and take precautions to minimise the risk to ourselves and others. I would be encouraging everyone involved in angling to follow the official advice and adapt your plans and events accordingly.”
International Competitions
The current situation has already had an impact on our international teams and further disruption is possible. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide support and advice to representatives of our international teams. In addition, we will maintain dialogue with angling’s international federations and follow advice and guidance issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other government departments.
So far FIPSed has announced that the Carnivorous Artificial Bait Shore Angling World Championship, scheduled in Portugal on 25 and 26 April, is to be postponed to a later date with further events subject to review.
All FIPS-M championships that were scheduled before September 2020 are to be postponed to a later date including the World Shore Angling Championship for Pairs in Troia in Portugal (scheduled from 21 to 28 March 2020), the World Boat Angling Championship for Seniors in Blankenberge in Belgium (planned from 9 to 16 May 2020) and the World Boat Angling Championship for Clubs in Puerto de Salines in Spain (scheduled from 11 to 18 July 2020).
At the end of June, the FIPS-M Committee, together with the CIPS, will study the situation to take decisions regarding the Championships scheduled for the end of the year.
Domestic Competitions
At the present time it is our intention to continue to deliver our planned range of domestic competitions and encourage clubs and fisheries to do the same. However, we strongly recommend clubs, organisers or anyone involved in delivering angling events follow the most current advice and guidance issued by government and our sporting institutions. In addition, they should take steps to minimise large indoor gatherings by holding the draws and prize giving outdoors, if possible, with alcohol-based, anti-bacterial handwash available at registration desks. Handshakes and unnecessary physical contact should be avoided.