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Coarse fishing close season on English rivers - Consultation ends March 11th 2019

We are consulting on future close season arrangements for coarse fishing on English rivers.
The current coarse fishing close season on rivers, some canals and some stillwaters runs from 15 March to 15 June. There is no close season on most canals and most stillwaters.
We want to better understand the risks and benefits associated with any change and the potential impacts on fish populations, angling and wildlife. We want to hear from all those interested in coarse fish and fisheries, to help us decide whether we need to retain, change or remove the current close season.
We may, as a result of this consultation, make new byelaws. If we do, we must advertise them to allow anyone the opportunity to object. This would most likely happen later this year.
Responding to this consultation
Information is provided throughout the online tool which you access by clicking on the Respond online link below. The consultation document and supporting information are listed in the Related Documents section at the bottom of this page. We would encourage you to read them. Should you experience any difficulties accessing the documents please email [email protected]
Why We Are Consulting
The coarse fishing close season has been long debated. There are strongly held views in favour of retaining, removing and changing the current byelaw, but a clear desire to introduce further evidence into the issue.
Along with the Angling Trust and the Institute of Fisheries Management, we set up a study group to examine the evidence around the close season on rivers. Although there is no conclusive evidence supporting a case to either retain or remove the close season, the group has collated considerable available information on the risks around fishing and the close season.
From a 2018 survey of anglers' opinions we know 43% of anglers support retaining the current close season: 17% support retaining a close season, but changing the dates; and 33% support removing the close season (the remainder were undecided).
We now want to carry out a more detailed consultation, to understand the reasons and evidence that support these opinions. In addition to anglers, we also want to include all those with an interest in coarse fish and fisheries - angling clubs, fishery owners, angling representatives and conservation bodies. This feedback will help us determine whether there is a need to change from the current situation and what that change might be.