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Wessex Water Game Fishing - Somerset
- Somerset
Wessex Water
Clatworthy - 01984 624658
Hawkridge - 01278 671840
Sutton Bingham - 01935 872389
~ Game fishing at Sutton Bingham, Clatworthy & Hawkridge Reservoirs ~
~ Game fishing at Sutton Bingham, Clatworthy & Hawkridge Reservoirs ~
Wessex Water offer Game fishing on Sutton Bingham, Clatworthy and Hawkridge Reservoirs located in Somerset.
Clatworthy Reservoir
Clatworthy Reservoir is 130 acre reservoir and a haven for those who love to fly fish. The trout in the reservoir can often be found cruising just under the surface – a well-presented dry fly is often enough to produce a take.
One of the best ways to fish at Clatworthy is from a boat, as it allows anglers to explore the reservoir’s many bays, coves and arms. With ten fishing boats and a wheelchair-accessible boat for anglers with disabilities, anyone can take to the water at Clatworthy.
The dam area is popular with boat anglers, especially during summer when lots of fish gather in this area. The reservoir, which has a capacity of 1,180 million gallons and reaches depths of up to 96 feet, is surrounded by impressive hills that make for a great view while fishing. Wessex Water has an active Facebook page when you will find regular updates and information on all of our fisheries. Please visit or call Tel:01984 624658. To book please follow the link - Clatworthy
Hawkridge Reservoir
If you favour smaller waters, Hawkridge reservoir is the place for you. The trout stocked in this reservoir provide a cosmopolitan variety of rainbows, browns, tigers, golden and blue trout so you really don’t know what you will catch next.
In 2018 Hawkridge was the first UK water to stock Sparctic trout, a new species in the sport. These are in addition to the other trout already being stocked in this reservoir which provides a variety of rainbows, browns, tigers, golden and blue trout and there are even some surprise double figure specimens. You really don’t know what you will catch next.
The reservoir responds well to floating lines and intermediates, with a variety of flies successful, including damsels, hare’s ears and montana, plus nymphs including buzzers and diawl bach.
Offering depths of up to 70ft, the lodge bank slopes steeply towards the water line and a short distance out is a weed bank with a lot of fish located just beyond it. Wessex Water has an active Facebook page when you will find regular updates and information on all of our fisheries. Please visit or call Tel: 01278 671840. To book please follow the link - Hawkridge
Sutton Bingham Reservoir
Sutton Bingham is an outstanding traditional fly fishery that offers some excellent trout fishing throughout the season. The 142 acre reservoir is well stocked with rainbow and brown trout averaging 2lb with some surprise double-figure specimens too.
Fishing facilities at Sutton Bingham include a spacious fishing lodge complete with a large veranda overlooking the water.
Early season buzzer hatches are prolific on this water, and the fish can usually be found close to the margins. Wessex Water has an active Facebook page when you will find regular updates and information on all of our fisheries. Please visit or call Tel: 01935 872389. To book please follow the link - Sutton Bingham
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Our Fishery Listings:
Sutton Bingham Reservoir
- Stillwater Trout
Hawkridge Reservoir
- Stillwater Trout
Clatworthy Reservoir
- Stillwater Trout
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