Fishing Information: Fishing Events Advice and Articles

The Fishing articles below provide information and contact details for Angling Associations, Charities and Angling bodies

Not all are specific to Game, Coarse or Sea Fishing. All the clubs and associations cover our South West region - an area which includes Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and a small part of Hampshire. We are keen to promote Angling events within our region. If you have an event or article you would like considered for publication on our website please email [email protected] along with your contact details.

South West Fly Fair 2025 takes place at Roadford Lake on Sunday 23 February.  Come along and have a go at Fly tying with help from experts   

Enjoy a 10% season ticket discount for all attendees 

Food and drink available from the onsite Cafe

A fantastic day out for all the... Read more

South West Lakes Trust | January 23 2025 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

The annual South West Fly Fair takes place at Roadford Lake, Lifton, Devon, PL16 0RL on Sunday 26 February 2023 from 10am ~ 4pm


... Read more

South West Lakes | February 21 2023 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

My father in the 1950s wrote many serious fishing articles, one memorably for The Field entitled “Duffer with a Dryfly”. My father was overly modest, however, as he was a fine fisherman, both in temperament, cunning and dexterity. Alas, these are all characteristics I lack.

Whilst my father saw travel as a means to indulge his passion for fishing and thought nothing of punctuating... Read more

JB | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

My float has been bobbing up and down, showing signs of movement from rudd and roach. I've caught, in the hour or so I've been here, about twenty small fish, and one large, and very beautiful, golden rudd, the first I've ever caught. I was surprised at how golden it was. It's back was almost orange fading to a brilliant gold leaf colour on its body. I felt so happy to holding it, as if... Read more

Tom O'Reilly | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Brian Gay is an angling photojournalist
ONE of the moans I hear so many times is about the lack of younger anglers in the sport today so why is that?

Computer games have had a lot of criticism levelled at them as hogging the attention of teenagers offering more appeal than a wet day on a river! Anyone who has kids and a Playstation will know just what powerful attention... Read more

Brian Gay | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Graham Sleeman is the editor of the Get Hooked! Guide
I extracted this editorial from a fishing diary I dug out the other day. It covered 1981, a year when I was single, no responsibilities, and lots of spare time! It details what was a great day, by our standards, on our local pond Dutson Water which has always been pretty difficult. The... Read more

Graham Sleeman | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

by Malcolm Gilbert of Ammo Baits

Fisheries Liaison Representative for The National Federation of Sea Anglers & European Liaison Officer of The Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society.

In the last issue of "Get Hooked", I outlined the problems facing the recreational sport fishing industry because of the traditional mindset that fish stock resources are exclusively for... Read more

Malcolm Gilbert | December 10 2008 | Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice
Name: Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice

It has been said to me by several trout anglers over the years, that you must be mad to go fishing at night for sea trout. Rushing home from work, gulping down your evening meal that your partner has lovingly prepared for you, and then a quick peck on the cheek and you disappear for the rest of the night.

Over the years I have taken a great many anglers on their first sea trout fishing... Read more

Roy Buckingham | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Graham Sleeman is Editor of Get Hooked!

I don't often attempt to fish in January but it was a really nice day with plenty of sunshine and no real wind.

There was sweetcorn and bread in the freezer so Alf and I loaded up and headed out.

Unfortunately when we arrived the lake was completely frozen over. We are not put off easily, so we set about clearing a swim.... Read more

Graham Sleeman | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Coarse fishing has spawned a huge variety of baits, both natural and 'unlikely'. Some of these, and the species you are likely to catch, are listed below.

Bread will make at least five forms of bait to assist the angler when fishing,

1. The... Read more

Roy Retallick | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

I have been lucky enough to turn fishing into a career. Each week I can be found on river banks, messing around in boats and gazing over wide expanses of lake. Most of the time I’m teaching, but every week I manage a trip of my own. Lately, there have been some changes.... Read more

Nick Hart | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Fiona Armstrong, International broadcaster and presenter

Some are born to fishing - some achieve it and others have fishing thrust upon them. I come, alas, into the last category. All that wasted time! All those empty years! When I was a gal, fishing was a strange pastime, indeed. To me, the men (yes, anglers were generally male and elderly), would escape from the wife, don green... Read more

Fiona Armstrong | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
