Fishing Information: Fishing Events Advice and Articles

The Fishing articles below provide information and contact details for Angling Associations, Charities and Angling bodies

Not all are specific to Game, Coarse or Sea Fishing. All the clubs and associations cover our South West region - an area which includes Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and a small part of Hampshire. We are keen to promote Angling events within our region. If you have an event or article you would like considered for publication on our website please email [email protected] along with your contact details.

South West Fly Fair 2025 takes place at Roadford Lake on Sunday 23 February.  Come along and have a go at Fly tying with help from experts   

Enjoy a 10% season ticket discount for all attendees 

Food and drink available from the onsite Cafe

A fantastic day out for all the... Read more

South West Lakes Trust | January 23 2025 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

The annual South West Fly Fair takes place at Roadford Lake, Lifton, Devon, PL16 0RL on Sunday 26 February 2023 from 10am ~ 4pm


... Read more

South West Lakes | February 21 2023 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Mike Weaver

When I started fishing over half a century ago, carp had an almost mythical quality. Carp fisheries were few and far between – and when you found them their inhabitants had a reputation for being almost impossible to catch.

All of that has... Read more

Mike Weaver | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Essential advice for anglers

The diverse South West shore line has a wealth of opportunities to be enjoyed by the angler. Sadly the coastline has also been the location for several angling related tragedies over recent years. The sea can give great pleasure... Read more

Wayne Thomas | December 10 2008 | Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice
Name: Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice

As a match angler of nearly 30 years I have seen changes to the sport I could never have envisaged when I started. From catching Roach, Bream and Chub from a sluggish Bristol Avon to the sometimes frantic sport encountered on the modern-day commercial waters.... Read more

Tony Rixon | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Dr. Stewart Owen

You may hear anglers speak of triploid fish, especially at trout fisheries. Triploids are in fact sterile fish, but why do we need them and where do they come from? Read on and fish biologist Dr Stewart Owen will answer these questions and give an insight into a fascinating aspect of fisheries management.

Why do we need sterile fish?... Read more

Stewart Owen | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Jon Evans is Secretary of the Camel Fisheries Association

The River Camel rises on Bodmin Moor and reaches the sea about thirty miles later at Padstow on the North Cornwall coast. The Camel has been fished for salmon and sea trout for centuries and the... Read more

Jon Evans | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

When I started fishing over half a century ago, carp had an almost mythical quality. Carp fisheries were few and far between – and when you found them their inhabitants had a reputation for being almost impossible to catch.

All of that has now changed.... Read more

Mike Weaver | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Mike Weaver selects a dozen flies for trout on rivers and lakes

When the editor of Get Hooked asked me to come up with a dozen trout flies for all waters – both rivers and lakes – my reaction was something between incredulity and panic. A quick look at... Read more

Mike Weaver | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

It was with some trepidation that I decided to return to coarse angling after a break of some 20 years. What had sparked this renewed enthusiasm was partly the fact that my son had taken up the sport following a holiday in France and was pestering for someone to take... Read more

Diane Holland | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

The South Wessex area is famous for it's big fish waters be it the chalk stream waters of the Hampshire Avon and Dorset Frome or the clay filtered Dorset Stour and its tributaries. Much of the fishing on these waters are controlled by angling clubs and... Read more

Steve Martin | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Max Palmer is from Tackle Trader

Over the last 15 years coarse fishing has seen many changes, not just in the south west but as a whole. Match angling is no exception, in fact it has probably changed more than any other area of the sport, but why?

There are some things that will never change. Man versus fish for one and... Read more

Max Palmer | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
