Fishing Information: Fishing Events Advice and Articles

The Fishing articles below provide information and contact details for Angling Associations, Charities and Angling bodies

Not all are specific to Game, Coarse or Sea Fishing. All the clubs and associations cover our South West region - an area which includes Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire and a small part of Hampshire. We are keen to promote Angling events within our region. If you have an event or article you would like considered for publication on our website please email [email protected] along with your contact details.

South West Fly Fair 2025 takes place at Roadford Lake on Sunday 23 February.  Come along and have a go at Fly tying with help from experts   

Enjoy a 10% season ticket discount for all attendees 

Food and drink available from the onsite Cafe

A fantastic day out for all the... Read more

South West Lakes Trust | January 23 2025 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

The annual South West Fly Fair takes place at Roadford Lake, Lifton, Devon, PL16 0RL on Sunday 26 February 2023 from 10am ~ 4pm


... Read more

South West Lakes | February 21 2023 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

Bill Eliot, Hon Sec. Liskeard & District A.C.

The River Fowey is a prime Cornish spate river giving excellent salmon and seatrout fishing. It is one of only two rivers in the south west of England holding its targets for sustainable salmonid stocks... Read more

Bill Eliot | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

It’s official - Recreational Sea Angling is a part of the marine fisheries sector!

In Get Hooked 2005, I covered some of the recommendations to Government from the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit outlined in a report called 'Net Benefits'. The Government have now responded to the recommendations with their publication of Securing the Benefits [visit:... Read more

Malcolm Gilbert | December 10 2008 | Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice
Name: Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice

The margin between success and relative failure in fishing can be very small and this is particularly so in the case of the type of angling that I enjoy most – fly-fishing for trout on rivers. Indeed, there is an old saying that ten per cent of the fishermen catch ninety... Read more

Mike Weaver | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

By The Editor

There are many bitter sweet experiences in the life of an angler.

We must all know that feeling of getting a good fish to the net only for it to shed the hook at the last moment.

Even worse perhaps is striking into some... Read more

Graham Sleeman | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

The European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) is an incredibly important, but often under-valued fish species in the Atlantic Area. It is essential to the economic viability of many small-scale coastal fishing communities in Europe as well forming part of the traditional... Read more

Toby Russell | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Tony Clare is RNLI Sea Safety Manager, North Division

As one of the fastest growing family sports in the UK, Boat Angling presents a fun way for the family to get afloat while enjoying fishing from the boat off our Coastal Waters. Although the boat itself is the vehicle to get to the fishing grounds where the hobby takes place, the sea has a history of being un-predictable... Read more

Tony Clare | December 10 2008 | Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice
Name: Sea Fishing Articles: Tips and Advice

Picture: The correct keepnet - essential for every angler! Alex Murray at Viaduct Fisheries

The correct keepnet - essential for every angler! Alex Murray at Viaduct FisheriesIt seems hard to believe that it is only three years ago that the Angling... Read more

Bruno Broughton | December 9 2008 | Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles
Name: Coarse and Carp Fishing Articles

Brian Marshall is the Chairman - Wessex Salmon and Rivers Trust The southern, lowland chalk streams of Wessex have a rich bio-diversity that has, for millennia, supported thriving populations of fish, flora, birds and... Read more

Brian Marshall | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

I began fishing when I was six years old after months of persuading my Dad, an angler of over forty years, to take me out with him and I'll never forget my first catch!

It was on my first ever what I call 'proper' day out fishing, as previous to that dad... Read more

Lucy Bowden | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice

The specially designed Wheelyboat provides disabled people with hassle-free and independent access to inland waters large and small all over the UK.

Whether it's for the scenery or wildlife, sport or recreation, reservoirs, lakes, ponds and... Read more

Andy Beadsley | December 8 2008 | Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
Name: Game Fishing Articles: Fishing Tips and Advice
